Re: [PATCH] knav: qmss: Introduce queue descriptors monitor

From: David Miller
Date: Thu Sep 13 2018 - 12:07:20 EST

From: Vasyl Gomonovych <gomonovych@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2018 23:15:47 +0200

> Monitor and record available descriptors in knav_qmss queues
> Get amount of available descriptors in free-descriptor queue
> base on event-triggered RX traffic.
> Also monitor free-descriptor queue base on periodic time interval
> in kernel thread.
> To start monitoring available descriptors in queue earlyi,
> module parameters, enable start monitoring in boottime
> This queue descriptor monitor helps debugging starvation issue.
> The monitor should help debug queue under traffic pressure
> and can describe the shape of this pressure when a queue
> faced descriptors starvation.
> Monitor helpful for IP blocks which do not have dedicated
> descriptor starvation interrupt like RapidIO IP.
> Registration and enable file in debugfs hierarchy
> |-/sys/kernel/debug
> |-- knav_qmssm_soc:hwqueue@2a40000
> | |-- 8710
> | | |-- buffer_size
> | | |-- enable
> | | |-- monitor_stats
> | | -- unregister
> ---
> The current implementation is the first iteration
> and require additional work.
> By this patch I would like to know does this could be
> helpful for other components and continue my work in a right way.
> Signed-off-by: Vasyl Gomonovych <vasyl.gomonovych@xxxxxxxxx>

This is way over engineered for just keeping some statistics around.

Just have a periodic timer or a workqueue that does the necessary