Re: [PATCH v1 2/2] spi: cadence-qspi: Add QSPI support for Intel LGM SoC

From: Mark Brown
Date: Mon Sep 16 2019 - 07:33:05 EST

On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 03:38:43PM +0800, Ramuthevar,Vadivel MuruganX wrote:

> Existing cadence drivers do not support SPI-NAND, it only supports to
> SPI-NOR and SPI devices. To state that is the driver for the same IP
> but due to different SPI flash memory(NAND) need to write from scratch.

What makes you say you need to write a separate driver? It's perfectly
possible to support the normal and flash I/O mechanisms in a single
driver and as well as the maintainence issues obviously someone could
build a system with both flash and non-flash devices on the same SPI

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