Re: (was Fair Trade O.S.) 0yZ Varanger Sys

From: Ywe CÃrlyn
Date: Sun Oct 13 2019 - 01:56:30 EST

Now also added 0yZ to its title, meaning 0 triune god, and 0 jesus on a cross. - I think that is what everybody here wants!

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âââââââ Original Message âââââââ
On Wednesday 9. October 2019 kl. 09:52, Ywe CÃrlyn <ywecrn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Ok, I think I have a fully and complete view of operating systems philosophy.
> Basically a good O.S. philosophy can be traced back to 1000 A.D. and the Saxons forcing the bible, and "god" on people in Norway. Still Norway never really did not become un-varangian.
> Today contemplating a background on a good O.S. based on my research, I understand that varangian culture was quite good, and building further on it, ridding oneself of the christian trinitarian god, we can also have a good O.S.
> Therefore the system is now named Varanger Sys, with Cider as the original drink of TÃr. And the EDM culture of the 90s that Norway was largely influental in, I have named Ãpp Varanger EDM, that went all the way up to Kygo (and Maren), that represents types already established in the 90s, which I was part of. Very Norwegian, Scandinavian, probably European, and maybe other places. And we fully support EU.
> This is the final basis of my operating system philosophy, and cultural aspect. Small changes may come, if it improves things.
> Best Greetings,
> Ywe CÃrlyn
> Lead & Philosophy
> Varanger Sys