On Wed, 2020-03-25 at 22:59 +0100, Michael Straube wrote:
Cleanup line over 80 characters by removing unnecessary parentheses.[]
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c[]
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ void odm_CCKPacketDetectionThresh(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
if (pDM_Odm->bLinked) {
if (pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min > 25) {
CurCCK_CCAThres = 0xcd;
- } else if ((pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min <= 25) && (pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min > 10)) {
+ } else if (pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min <= 25 && pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min > 10) {
The test above this already guarantees pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min <= 25
so the block could be written just
} else if (pDM->RSSI_Min > 10) {