Re: [BISECTED]: Kernel panic (was: Linux 5.7-rc2)

From: Harald Arnesen
Date: Wed Apr 22 2020 - 06:37:23 EST

Harald Arnesen [22.04.2020 11:37]:

> Giovanni Gherdovich [22.04.2020 11:02]:
>> Harald:
>> I'll echo Linus' request of testing that the patch series linked above fixes
>> the problem on your machine. Since you're testing -rc kernels and bisecting
>> bugs I assume you're comfortable with patching and compiling kernels, but if
>> that is not the case I am more than happy to assist by providing either an RPM
>> or a DEB package, depending on the distribution you're running. Let me know.

> Will try patching first, if I'm not successful, you may compile a DEB
> package for me.

I can confirm that my Thinkpad T510i boots normally with the four
patches added.

Hilsen Harald