Re: [BISECTED]: Kernel panic (was: Linux 5.7-rc2)
From: Giovanni Gherdovich
Date: Wed Apr 22 2020 - 07:01:35 EST
On Wed, 2020-04-22 at 12:22 +0200, Harald Arnesen wrote:
> Harald Arnesen [22.04.2020 11:37]:
> > Giovanni Gherdovich [22.04.2020 11:02]:
> > >
> > > Harald:
> > >
> > > I'll echo Linus' request of testing that the patch series linked above fixes
> > > the problem on your machine. Since you're testing -rc kernels and bisecting
> > > bugs I assume you're comfortable with patching and compiling kernels, but if
> > > that is not the case I am more than happy to assist by providing either an RPM
> > > or a DEB package, depending on the distribution you're running. Let me know.
> > Will try patching first, if I'm not successful, you may compile a DEB
> > package for me.
> I can confirm that my Thinkpad T510i boots normally with the four
> patches added.
> Thanks!
That's awesome, thank you for testing.
Regarding the turbostat output you attached to an earlier email, it confirms
the suspicion that the 4C turbo is reported as zero (being a 2 cores / 4 threads
machine), explaining why the fix works:
cpu2: MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT: 0x00001313
19 * 133.3 = 2533.3 MHz max turbo 2 active cores
19 * 133.3 = 2533.3 MHz max turbo 1 active cores
In the above, bits 31:24 are zero. It's not a universal rule, though: my laptop
also has a 2 cores / 4 threads cpu, and that same MSR says:
cpu3: MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT: 0x1b1b1b1b1b1d
27 * 100.0 = 2700.0 MHz max turbo 6 active cores
27 * 100.0 = 2700.0 MHz max turbo 5 active cores
27 * 100.0 = 2700.0 MHz max turbo 4 active cores
27 * 100.0 = 2700.0 MHz max turbo 3 active cores
27 * 100.0 = 2700.0 MHz max turbo 2 active cores
29 * 100.0 = 2900.0 MHz max turbo 1 active cores
So despite my CPU being similar to yours, it wouldn't show the bug. There is
even more: the bug can show on large core counts too, as seen in
Like Xu from Intel has an Atom P-Series with 24 physical cores, yet their
MSR goes like:
which means only the 1C turbo is reported non-zero (that machine doesn't have
turbo at all, 1C turbo is the same as base frequency).