Re: [PATCH 4/5] Huawei BMA: Adding Huawei BMA driver: cdev_veth_drv

From: Andrew Lunn
Date: Mon Jun 22 2020 - 14:22:34 EST

On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 12:03:10AM +0800, yunaixin03610@xxxxxxx wrote:
> From: yunaixin <yunaixin03610@xxxxxxx>
> The BMA software is a system management software offered by Huawei. It supports the status monitoring, performance monitoring, and event monitoring of various components, including server CPUs, memory, hard disks, NICs, IB cards, PCIe cards, RAID controller cards, and optical modules.
> This cdev_veth_drv driver is one of the communication drivers used by BMA software. It depends on the host_edma_drv driver. It will create a char device once loaded, offering interfaces (open, close, read, write and poll) to BMA to send/receive RESTful messages between BMC software. When the message is longer than 1KB, it will be cut into packets of 1KB. The other side, BMC's cdev_veth driver, will assemble these packets back into original mesages.

Again, you never replied to my questions. In general, a char dev
interface to 'firmware' is not allowed. So i suggest you drop this
