[PATCH] bus: mhi: core: Use current ee in intvec handler for syserr

From: Jeffrey Hugo
Date: Fri Feb 12 2021 - 19:41:51 EST

The intvec handler stores the caches ee in a local variable for use in
processing the intvec. When determining if a syserr is a fatal error or
not, the intvec handler is using the cached version, when it should be
using the current ee read from the device. Currently, the device could
be in the PBL ee as the result of a fatal error, but the cached ee might
be AMSS, which would cause the intvec handler to incorrectly signal a
non-fatal syserr.

Fixes: 3000f85b8f47 ("bus: mhi: core: Add support for basic PM operations")
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Hugo <jhugo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/bus/mhi/core/main.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/bus/mhi/core/main.c b/drivers/bus/mhi/core/main.c
index 4e0131b..f182736 100644
--- a/drivers/bus/mhi/core/main.c
+++ b/drivers/bus/mhi/core/main.c
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ irqreturn_t mhi_intvec_threaded_handler(int irq_number, void *priv)

/* For fatal errors, we let controller decide next step */
- if (MHI_IN_PBL(ee))
+ if (MHI_IN_PBL(mhi_cntrl->ee))
mhi_cntrl->status_cb(mhi_cntrl, MHI_CB_FATAL_ERROR);
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. is a member of the
Code Aurora Forum, a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project.