[PATCH AUTOSEL 5.13 187/219] samples: pktgen: fix to print when terminated normally

From: Sasha Levin
Date: Thu Sep 09 2021 - 08:39:27 EST

From: Juhee Kang <claudiajkang@xxxxxxxxx>

[ Upstream commit c0e9422c4e6ca9abd4bd6e1598400c7231eb600b ]

Currently, most pktgen samples print the execution result when the
program is terminated normally. However, sample03 doesn't work

This is results of samples:

# DEV=eth0 DEST_IP= DST_MAC=00:11:22:33:44:55 ./pktgen_sample04_many_flows.sh -n 1
Running... ctrl^C to stop
Device: eth0@0
Result: OK: 19(c5+d13) usec, 1 (60byte,0frags)
51762pps 24Mb/sec (24845760bps) errors: 0

# DEV=eth0 DEST_IP= DST_MAC=00:11:22:33:44:55 ./pktgen_sample03_burst_single_flow.sh -n 1
Running... ctrl^C to stop

The reason why it doesn't print the execution result when the program is
terminated usually is that sample03 doesn't call the function which
prints the result, unlike other samples.

So, this commit solves this issue by calling the function before
termination. Also, this commit changes control_c function to
print_result to maintain consistency with other samples.

Signed-off-by: Juhee Kang <claudiajkang@xxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <davem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Sasha Levin <sashal@xxxxxxxxxx>
samples/pktgen/pktgen_sample03_burst_single_flow.sh | 6 ++++--
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/samples/pktgen/pktgen_sample03_burst_single_flow.sh b/samples/pktgen/pktgen_sample03_burst_single_flow.sh
index 5adcf954de73..c12198d5bbe5 100755
--- a/samples/pktgen/pktgen_sample03_burst_single_flow.sh
+++ b/samples/pktgen/pktgen_sample03_burst_single_flow.sh
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ for ((thread = $F_THREAD; thread <= $L_THREAD; thread++)); do

# Run if user hits control-c
-function control_c() {
+function print_result() {
# Print results
for ((thread = $F_THREAD; thread <= $L_THREAD; thread++)); do
@@ -92,11 +92,13 @@ function control_c() {
# trap keyboard interrupt (Ctrl-C)
-trap control_c SIGINT
+trap true SIGINT

if [ -z "$APPEND" ]; then
echo "Running... ctrl^C to stop" >&2
pg_ctrl "start"
+ print_result
echo "Append mode: config done. Do more or use 'pg_ctrl start' to run"