On 14.09.2021 22:00, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:
On Tue, 14 Sep 2021, Dave Jones wrote:"lspci -vv" complains about an invalid short tag 0x06 and the PCI VPD
On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 07:51:22AM +0200, Heiner Kallweit wrote:
Sorry to reply from my personal account. If I did it from my work
account I'd be top-posting because of Outlook and that goes over like a
lead balloon.
Anyway, can you send us a dump of your eeprom using ethtool -e? You can
either send it via a bug on e1000.sourceforge.net or try sending it to
The other thing is I'm wondering is what the subvendor device ID you
have is referring to because it's not in the pci database. Some ODMs
like getting creative with what they put in the NVM.
Todd Fujinaka (todd.fujinaka@xxxxxxxxx)
Thanks for the prompt reply. Dave, could you please provide the requested
sent off-list.
Whoops. I replied from outlook again.
I have confirmation that this should be a valid image. The VPD is just a
series of 3's. There are changes to preboot header, flash and BAR size,
and as far as I can tell, a nonsense subdevice ID, but this should work.
What was the original question?
code resulted in a stall. So it seems the data doesn't have valid VPD
format as defined in PCI specification.
01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection (rev 01)
Subsystem: Device 1dcf:030a
Capabilities: [e0] Vital Product Data
*Unknown small resource type 06, will not decode more.*
Not sure which method is used by the driver to get the EEPROM content.
For the issue here is relevant what is exposed via PCI VPD.
The related kernel error message has been reported few times, e.g. here:
Only due to a change in kernel code this became a more prominent
issue now.
You say that VPD is just a series of 3's. This may explain why kernel and
tools complain about an invalid VPD format. VPD misses the tag structure.