Re: [PATCH 2/3] hwmon: (nct6775) Implement custom lock by ACPI mutex.

From: Eugene Shalygin
Date: Thu Nov 25 2021 - 15:40:34 EST

On Thu, 25 Nov 2021 at 21:25, Denis Pauk <pauk.denis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I would like to propose to leave the current name of the driver and add
> the same logic as in the current patch. So when we know the exact name
> of acpi mutex - code will use such mutex for lock and directly read EC
> memory region. In case if we don't know the exact mutex name/path or for
> some reason ASUS decides to change UEFI code - code will use WMI
> methods. In such a case, adding or checking a new motherboard will
> require only adding a minimal list of well known registers without
> disassembling UEFI code.
> What do you think?

Sounds reasonable to me, but nevertheless I think dropping the "wmi"
part from the driver name would make the name clearer with the
proposed functional change.

Best regards,