Re: [PATCH 5.15 000/179] 5.15.6-rc1 review
Ronald Warsow
Mon Nov 29 2021 - 20:57:53 EST
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Rob Herring: "Re: [PATCH V2 XRT Alveo Infrastructure 4/9] of: create empty of root"
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Rob Herring: "Re: [PATCH V2 XRT Alveo Infrastructure 3/9] of: handle fdt buffer alignment inside unflatten function"
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Justin Forbes: "Re: [PATCH 5.15 000/179] 5.15.6-rc1 review"
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5.15.6-rc1 successfully compiled, booted and suspended on an x86_64
(Intel i5-11400)
Tested-by: Ronald Warsow <rwarsow@xxxxxx>
Next message:
Rob Herring: "Re: [PATCH V2 XRT Alveo Infrastructure 4/9] of: create empty of root"
Previous message:
Rob Herring: "Re: [PATCH V2 XRT Alveo Infrastructure 3/9] of: handle fdt buffer alignment inside unflatten function"
In reply to:
Justin Forbes: "Re: [PATCH 5.15 000/179] 5.15.6-rc1 review"
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