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07.12.2021 17:49, Sameer Pujar пишет:
HDA won't be reset while display is active on T186+.I don't think that the state of display driver would affect. The HDAHow the reload case would be different? Can you please specify moreYou have a shared power domain. Since power domain can be turned off
details if you are referring to a particular scenario?
only when nobody keeps domain turned on, you now making reset of HDA
controller dependent on the state of display driver.
driver itself can issue unpowergate calls which in turn ensures h/w
reset. If display driver is already runtime active, HDA driver runtime
resume after this would be still fine since h/w reset is already applied
during display runtime resume. Note that both HDA and display resets are
connected to this power-domain and BPMP applies these resets during