arch/arm/mach-ep93xx/clock.c:210:35: sparse: sparse: Using plain integer as NULL pointer
From: kernel test robot
Date: Tue Dec 07 2021 - 14:04:17 EST
tree: master
head: cd8c917a56f20f48748dd43d9ae3caff51d5b987
commit: 9645ccc7bd7a16cd73c3be9dee70cd702b03be37 ep93xx: clock: convert in-place to COMMON_CLK
date: 7 weeks ago
config: arm-randconfig-s031-20211207 (
compiler: arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc (GCC) 11.2.0
wget -O ~/bin/make.cross
chmod +x ~/bin/make.cross
# apt-get install sparse
# sparse version: v0.6.4-dirty
git remote add linus
git fetch --no-tags linus master
git checkout 9645ccc7bd7a16cd73c3be9dee70cd702b03be37
# save the config file to linux build tree
mkdir build_dir
COMPILER_INSTALL_PATH=$HOME/0day COMPILER=gcc-11.2.0 make.cross C=1 CF='-fdiagnostic-prefix -D__CHECK_ENDIAN__' O=build_dir ARCH=arm SHELL=/bin/bash
If you fix the issue, kindly add following tag as appropriate
Reported-by: kernel test robot <lkp@xxxxxxxxx>
sparse warnings: (new ones prefixed by >>)
>> arch/arm/mach-ep93xx/clock.c:210:35: sparse: sparse: Using plain integer as NULL pointer
arch/arm/mach-ep93xx/clock.c:99:9: sparse: sparse: context imbalance in 'ep93xx_clk_enable' - different lock contexts for basic block
arch/arm/mach-ep93xx/clock.c:116:9: sparse: sparse: context imbalance in 'ep93xx_clk_disable' - different lock contexts for basic block
arch/arm/mach-ep93xx/clock.c:197:9: sparse: sparse: context imbalance in 'ep93xx_mux_set_parent_lock' - different lock contexts for basic block
vim +210 arch/arm/mach-ep93xx/clock.c
206 static int ep93xx_mux_determine_rate(struct clk_hw *hw,
207 struct clk_rate_request *req)
208 {
209 unsigned long rate = req->rate;
> 210 struct clk *best_parent = 0;
211 unsigned long __parent_rate;
212 unsigned long best_rate = 0, actual_rate, mclk_rate;
213 unsigned long best_parent_rate;
214 int __div = 0, __pdiv = 0;
215 int i;
217 /*
218 * Try the two pll's and the external clock
219 * Because the valid predividers are 2, 2.5 and 3, we multiply
220 * all the clocks by 2 to avoid floating point math.
221 *
222 * This is based on the algorithm in the ep93xx raster guide:
223 *
224 *
225 */
226 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mux_parents); i++) {
227 struct clk *parent = clk_get_sys(mux_parents[i], NULL);
229 __parent_rate = clk_get_rate(parent);
230 mclk_rate = __parent_rate * 2;
232 /* Try each predivider value */
233 for (__pdiv = 4; __pdiv <= 6; __pdiv++) {
234 __div = mclk_rate / (rate * __pdiv);
235 if (__div < 2 || __div > 127)
236 continue;
238 actual_rate = mclk_rate / (__pdiv * __div);
239 if (is_best(rate, actual_rate, best_rate)) {
240 best_rate = actual_rate;
241 best_parent_rate = __parent_rate;
242 best_parent = parent;
243 }
244 }
245 }
247 if (!best_parent)
248 return -EINVAL;
250 req->best_parent_rate = best_parent_rate;
251 req->best_parent_hw = __clk_get_hw(best_parent);
252 req->rate = best_rate;
254 return 0;
255 }
0-DAY CI Kernel Test Service, Intel Corporation