Re: [PATCH 0/2] sound: dice: Firestudio Mobile

From: Takashi Sakamoto
Date: Sat Oct 15 2022 - 21:37:20 EST


On Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 06:33:28PM -0500, George Hilliard wrote:
> This short series adds a configuration block for the Firestudio Mobile I
> just acquired. Very similar to the Firestudio, but a lower port count.
> My understanding is that the Low, Medium, and High speeds refer to
> 48kHz, 96kHz, and 192kHz sample rates, of which only the first two are
> supported by this hardware line. Please correct me if this is not
> correct.
> Thanks!

Thanks for the patches, while the device, FireStudio Mobile, is
already supported by ALSA dice driver since it has an entry of moddevice
table which matches your device:

.match_flags = IEEE1394_MATCH_VERSION,
.version = DICE_INTERFACE,

I think you have the other troubles except for device detection.

In general protocol defined by TC Applied Technologies (the company
which designed DICE ASICs and firmwares), two fields of content of
configuration ROM have pre-defined values.

One of the fields is version field of unit directory. The value is
0x000001 (=DICE_INTERFACE). In your case, the content of unit directory
is below. We can see the value of version field is 0x000001.

unit directory at 430
430 00048030 directory_length 4, crc 32816
434 12000a92 specifier id: Presonus Corporation
438 13000001 version
43c 17000011 model
440 8100000f --> descriptor leaf at 47c

Another is EUI-64 field in bus information block. the part of field
is used for 8 bit `category ID` and the value is 0. In your case,
the value is below. The way to parese the field, please refer to
`check_dice_category` function in `sound/firewire/dice/dice.c`[1].

ROM header and bus information block
400 0404bc6a bus_info_length 4, crc_length 4, crc 48234
404 31333934 bus_name "1394"
408 e0008102 irmc 1, cmc 1, isc 1, bmc 0, cyc_clk_acc 0, max_rec 8 (512)
40c 000a9204 company_id 000a92 | Presonus Corporation
410 047da647 device_id 04047da647 | EUI-64 000a9204047da647

For the content of configuration ROM itself, documentation by 1394
Trading Association (vendor association back in several years ago) will
be a great help[2].

As a supplement, TCAT general protocol has no way to share available
stream formats at all of supported sampling transfer frequencies. It
allows software just to read available stream formats at current
sampling transfer frequency, while TCAT protocol extension has the
function. ALSA dice driver is programmed to try the extension to detect,
then works at limitation mode at failure. The pre-defined table you coded
is for the case that the extension is not supported by device, but
your device supports the extension.



Takashi Sakamoto