Re: [PATCH] video/aperture: fix typos

From: Thomas Zimmermann
Date: Tue Apr 04 2023 - 07:09:36 EST


Am 04.04.23 um 12:55 schrieb Javier Martinez Canillas:
Thomas Zimmermann <tzimmermann@xxxxxxx> writes:

Hello Thomas,

Sorry, I just applied this patch and didn't see your email before...


Am 04.04.23 um 06:01 schrieb Sui Jingfeng:
EFI FB, VESA FB or VGA FB etc are belong to firmware based framebuffer

No whitespaces at the beginning of the lines.

I fixed that before applying, also removed the "are" in the sentence
above, since it sounded off and repharsed subject line as "Fix typos
in comments".


* Remove the device from the device hierarchy. This is the right thing
- * to do for firmware-based DRM drivers, such as EFI, VESA or VGA. After
+ * to do for firmware-based fb drivers, such as EFI, VESA or VGA. After

That sentences is not well phrased. Maybe say 'This is required for
firmware-provided graphics, such as EFI, VESA or VGA.'

Graphic drivers or display drivers would indeed be more accurate here. But
I think that "fb drivers" is still well pharsed since the are other places
where either fbdev or DRM drivers for firmware-provided framebuffers are
named like that.

I meant my original comment when I said 'not well phrased'. It's not Jingfeng's fault, but in my original text. Removing the device is required for scanout buffers that have been provided by the firmware. The attached graphics driver is secondary to this. But I'm struggling to find a simple sentence to express this. :/

Best regards

For example, in the sysfb platform code and Kconfig symbol help text.

Best regards

Thomas Zimmermann
Graphics Driver Developer
SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
(HRB 36809, AG Nürnberg)
Geschäftsführer: Ivo Totev

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