Re: [PATCH] KVM: introduce vm's max_halt_poll_ns to debugfs

From: cheng.lin130
Date: Thu May 09 2024 - 00:02:18 EST

> From: seanjc <seanjc@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > From: Cheng Lin <cheng.lin130@xxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > Introduce vm's max_halt_poll_ns and override_halt_poll_ns to
> > debugfs. Provide a way to check and modify them.
> Why?
If a vm's max_halt_poll_ns has been set using KVM_CAP_HALT_POLL,
the module parameter kvm.halt_poll.ns will no longer indicate the maximum
halt pooling interval for that vm. After introducing these two attributes into
debugfs, it can be used to check whether the individual configuration of the
vm is enabled and the working value.
This patch provides a way to check and modify them through the debugfs.