Re: [PATCH] misc: ntsync: mark driver as "broken" to prevent from building

From: Elizabeth Figura
Date: Tue May 14 2024 - 17:45:31 EST

On Tuesday, May 14, 2024 2:16:51 AM CDT Greg Kroah-Hartman wrote:
> The ntsync code is only partially enabled in the kernel at this point in
> time, creating the device node and that's about it. Don't confuse
> systems that expect to see a working ntsync interface by teasing it with
> this basic structure at this point in time, so mark the code as "broken"
> so that it is not built and enabled just yet.
> Once the rest of the code is accepted, this will be reverted so that the
> driver can be correctly built and used, but for now, this is the safest
> way forward.

Reviewed-by: Elizabeth Figura <zfigura@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I was even thinking of suggesting something like this myself. Sorry for
taking so long to get the rest of the patches into acceptable shape...