Re: [PATCH v2] xhci: Apply XHCI_RESET_TO_DEFAULT quirk to TGL

From: Mathias Nyman
Date: Wed Jun 19 2024 - 07:07:36 EST

On 14.6.2024 3.28, Reka Norman wrote:
TGL systems have the same issue as ADL, where a large boot firmware
delay is seen if USB ports are left in U3 at shutdown. So apply the
XHCI_RESET_TO_DEFAULT quirk to TGL as well.

The issue it fixes is a ~20s boot time delay when booting from S5. It
affects TGL devices, and TGL support was added starting from v5.3.

Cc: stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Signed-off-by: Reka Norman <rekanorman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

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