Re: [PATCH v2 net-next 2/2] net: stmmac: qcom-ethqos: add a DMA-reset quirk for sa8775p-ride
From: Andrew Halaney
Date: Thu Jun 27 2024 - 17:48:53 EST
On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 08:35:16PM GMT, Bartosz Golaszewski wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 7:07 PM Andrew Halaney <ahalaney@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Although, this isn't tied to _just_ 2500basex here. If I boot the
> > sa8775p-ride (r2 version, with a marvell 88ea1512 phy attached via
> > sgmii, not indicating 2500basex) wouldn't all this get exercised? Right
> > now the devicetree doesn't indicate inband signalling, but I tried that
> > over here with Russell's clean up a week or two ago and things at least
> > came up ok (which made me think all the INTEGRATED_PCS stuff wasn't needed,
> > and I'm not totally positive my test proved inband signalling worked,
> > but I thought it did...):
> >
> Am I getting this right? You added `managed = "in-band-status"' to
> Rev2 DTS and it still worked?
> >
> >
> > based on Russell's comments, I feel if I was to use his series over
> > there, add 'managed = "in-band-status"' to the dts, and then apply this
> > series, the link would not come up anymore.
> >
This works on rev2/rev1 (no way to tell which one it actually is, shouldn't matter),
here's a branch I just whipped up to replicate the setup I had when
making the comments in above link:
The last commit has some dmesg/ethtool output etc to show things
working. I reverted recent changes to stmmac just to apply cleanly.
I tried the patches Serge added on top of that series, but that was causing
the link to cycle up/down, so I dropped those and went back to just
Russell's patches to recreate the setup I had when leaving the comment.
I need to try with Serge's stuff again when I find a moment and see if I
can work out why the link starts going up/down with those + some
compiler fixups and removing INTEGRATED_PCS flags. For what its worth,
here's the branch, logs are in the last commit:
Without Russell's patches the link doesn't come up after switching to
'managed = "in-band-status"' otherwise I'd look into switching the dts to
inband signalling now instead of after those cleanups land.
> Because I can confirm that it doesn't on Rev 3. :(
> So to explain myself: I tried to follow Andrew Lunn's suggestion about
> unifying this and the existing ethqos_set_func_clk_en() bits as they
> seem to address a similar issue.
> I'm working with limited information here as well regarding this issue
> so I figured this could work but you're right - if we ever need
> in-band signalling, then it won't work. It's late here so let me get
> back to it tomorrow.
No worries, I understand how this goes, stmmac is tricky and getting
information/documentation and understanding it can be tough. I appreciate you trying
to get this squared away.
> > Total side note, but I'm wondering if the sa8775p-ride dts should
> > specify 'managed = "in-band-status"'.
> >
> I'll check this at the source.