On Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 12:57:40PM -0500, stuart hayes wrote:
We discussed this before, but there is no summary of it and I of course
forgot the conclusion:
- why don't we do this by default?
It is done by default in this version, for devices whose drivers opt-in.
In the previous discussion, you mentioned that you thought "safe" was the
only sensible option (where "safe" was driver opt-in to async shutdown)...
that is the default (and only) option with this version. Greg K-H also
requested opt-in as well, and suggested that "on" (driver opt-out) could
be removed.
- why is it safe to user enable it?
I guess it isn't necessarily safe, if there are any drivers that can't
handle their devices shutting down asynchronously. I thought it would be
nice to be able to enable driver opt-in from user space for testing, before
changing the default setting for the driver.
I was mostly getting into the contradiction that either we think the
async shutdown is safe everywhere, in which case we don't need a driver
opt-in, or it is not, in which case allowing user to just enabled it
also seems like a bad idea.
I can correct these lines. I thought that an 80 character line length limit
was no longer required, and saw another line a few lines above these that was
even longer... and the checkpatch script didn't flag it either.
checkpatch is unfortunately completely broken, it flags totally harmless
things and doesn't catch other things. > 80 characters are allowed for
individual lines where it improves readability. The exact definition
of that depends on the maintainers and reviewers, but outside of
string constants I can't really find anything where it does.