Am Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024, 13:43:47 CEST schrieb Alex Bee:Great, thanks for sharing. Will (try) to follow in future.
Am 04.07.24 um 12:05 schrieb Heiko Stübner:I always see it as a best-effort thing. If all regulator-* stuff is grouped
Hi Diederik,Yeah ... that's always the question when adding new board files. Do it like
Am Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024, 11:38:51 CEST schrieb Diederik de Haas:
Thanks for submitting this. A quick scan indicates it should work with aThe main sorting is
(recent) Debian kernel OOTB :-)
On Wednesday, 3 July 2024 23:05:24 CEST Heiko Stuebner wrote:
+&sdhci {Shouldn't those properties be sorted alphabetically? Or at least consistently?
+ bus-width = <8>;
+ no-sdio;
+ no-sd;
+ non-removable;
+ max-frequency = <200000000>;
+ mmc-hs400-1_8v;
+ mmc-hs400-enhanced-strobe;
+ mmc-hs200-1_8v;
+ status = "okay";
+&sdmmc {
+ max-frequency = <200000000>;
+ no-sdio;
+ no-mmc;
+ bus-width = <4>;
+ cap-mmc-highspeed;
+ cap-sd-highspeed;
+ disable-wp;
+ sd-uhs-sdr104;
+ vmmc-supply = <&vcc_3v3_s3>;
+ vqmmc-supply = <&vccio_sd_s0>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&sdmmc_bus4 &sdmmc_clk &sdmmc_cmd &sdmmc_det>;
+ status = "okay";
+/* M.2 E-KEY */
+&sdio {
+ broken-cd;
+ bus-width = <4>;
+ cap-sdio-irq;
+ disable-wp;
+ keep-power-in-suspend;
+ max-frequency = <150000000>;
+ mmc-pwrseq = <&sdio_pwrseq>;
+ no-sd;
+ no-mmc;
+ non-removable;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&sdiom0_pins>;
+ sd-uhs-sdr104;
+ vmmc-supply = <&vcc3v3_ekey>;
+ status = "okay";
+&sfc {
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&fspim2_pins>;
+ status = "okay";
Note that the same issue is present on other places too, but I believe the
above quoted part shows the issue enough.
- compatible
- reg
[... alphabetically ...]
- status
"it's always been done" or re-sort the properties alphanumeric _everywhere_
which looks quite strange at times. If I'm getting the newly added dt
coding style correctly common (subsystem?) properties should also be placed
before vendor (driver?) specific ones. Yet I didn't see a board file which
places 'regulator-max-microvolt' before 'regulator-min-microvolt'. So I
guess it's fine if it's done consistently within the same file?
together it will be mostly fine. I'm not going to haggle over the sorting
of the 10th character of property names ;-) .
(and of course reading min before max, is sort of more intuitive)
And of course leaf-things (board dts) are less "important" than the core
nodes in soc devicetrees.