Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] mul_u64_u64_div_u64: make it precise always

From: Nicolas Pitre
Date: Thu Jul 04 2024 - 17:16:58 EST

On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Uwe Kleine-König wrote:

> Hello Nico,
> On Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 11:34:08PM -0400, Nicolas Pitre wrote:
> > + A.v = a;
> > + B.v = b;
> > +
> > + X.v = (u64)A.l * B.l;
> > + Y.v = (u64)A.l * B.h + X.h;
> > + Z.v = (u64)A.h * B.h + Y.h;
> > + Y.v = (u64)A.h * B.l + Y.l;
> > + X.h = Y.l;
> > + Z.v += Y.h;
> > +
> > + u64 n_lo = X.v, n_hi = Z.v;
> I tried to understand your patch. This part could really benefit from
> some comments. With pen and paper I worked out your idea:
> The goal is:
> A * B == Z << 64 + X
> With A = A.h << 32 + A.l and similar identities for B, we have:
> A * B = (A.h << 32 + A.l) * (B.h << 32 + B.l)
> = (A.h * B.h << 64 + (A.h * B.l + A.l * B.h) << 32 + A.l * B.l
^ missing )

> The operations done here are only 32 bit multiplications and
> additions, and with U32_MAX = 0xffffffff we have:
> U32_MAX * U32_MAX + U32_MAX = (U32_MAX + 1) * U32_MAX =
> 0xffffffff00000000 which fits into an u64. Even when adding
> another U32_MAX (which happens with Z.v += Y.h) it still fits
> into u64, and so the operations won't overflow.

Exact, that's the idea.

I was about to reproduce the code I wrote for a similar purpose about 18
years ago that currently lives in __arch_xprod_64()
(include/asm-generic/div64.h). when I realized that, with some
reordering, all the overflow handling could be avoided entirely.

So I'm about to submit some nice simplification for my old optimized
__div64_const32() based on this realisation.

> > + /* Do the full 128 by 64 bits division */
> Here is the code location where I stop understanding your code :-)

Here's how it goes:

To do a binary division, you have to align the numbers, find how many
times the
divisor fits and subtract, just like we learned in primary school.
Except that we have binary numbers instead of base 10 numbers, making
the "how many times" either 0 or 1.

To align numbers, let's simply move set bits to the top left bit.

Let's suppose a divisor c of 0x00ffffff00000000

shift = __builtin_clzll(c);
c <<= shift;

so shift = 8 and c becomes 0xffffff0000000000

Also need to track the actual divisor power. Given that we start working
on n_hi not n_lo, this means the power is initially 64. But we just
shifted c which increased its power:

p = 64 + shift;

Then, remember that n_hi < original c. That's ensured by the overflow
test earlier. So shifting n_hi leftwards will require a greater shift
than the one we applied to c, meaning that p will become 63 or less
during the first loop.

Let's suppose n_hi = 0x000ffffffff00000 and n_lo = 0

Then enter the loop:

carry = n_hi >> 63;

Top bit of n_hi is unset so no carry.

shift = carry ? 1 : __builtin_clzll(n_hi);

If n'hi's top bit was set we'd have a shift of 1 with a carry. But here
there is no carry and aligning n_hi to the top left bit requires a shift
of 12.

n_hi <<= shift;
n_hi |= n_lo >> (64 - shift);
n_lo <<= shift;

So n_hi is now 0xffffffff00000000

p -= shift;

Shifting left the dividend reduces the divisor's power.
So p is now 64 + 8 - 12 = 60

Then, the crux of the operation:

if (carry || (n_hi >= c)) {
n_hi -= c;
res |= 1ULL << p;

So... if the divisor fits then we add a 1 to the result and subtract it.
n_hi = 0xffffffff00000000 - 0xffffff0000000000 = 0x000000ff00000000
res |= 1 << 60

Let's loop again:

carry = n_hi >> 63;
shift = carry ? 1 : __builtin_clzll(n_hi);

No carry, shift becomes 24, p becomes 60 - 24 = 36 and
n_hi becomes 0xff00000000000000.

if (carry || (n_hi >= c)) { ...

No carry and n_hi is smaller than c so loop again.

carry = n_hi >> 63;
shift = carry ? 1 : __builtin_clzll(n_hi);

This time we have a carry as the top bit of n_hi is set and we're about
to shift it by 1. p becomes 35 and n_hi becomes 0xfe00000000000000. In
reality it is like having 0x1fe00000000000000 (a 65-bits value) which is
obviously bigger than 0xffffff0000000000. So we can augment the result
and subtract. Thanks to two's complement, we have:

n_hi = 0xfe00000000000000 - 0xffffff0000000000 = 0xfe00010000000000


res = 1 << 60 | 1 << 35

And so on until either n_hi becomes 0 or p would go negative, which
might happen quite quickly in some cases.

> > + /* The remainder value if needed would be n_hi << p */
> I indeed need a variant of this function that rounds up. So maybe
> creating a function
> u64 mul_u64_u64_div_u64_rem(u64 a, u64 b, u64 c, u64 *rem)
> with the sophistication of your mul_u64_u64_div_u64 and then:
> u64 mul_u64_u64_div_u64(u64 a, u64 b, u64 c)
> {
> u64 rem, ret;
> ret = mul_u64_u64_div_u64_rem(a, b, c, &rem);
> return ret;
> }
> (In the hope that the compiler optimizes out the calculation for the
> remainder)

It probably won't unless the core function is a static inline.

It might be more efficient to do this:

u64 mul_u64_u64_div_u64_rem(u64 a, u64 b, u64 c, u64 *rem)
u64 res = u64 mul_u64_u64_div_u64(a, b, c);

/* those multiplications will overflow but it doesn't matter */
*rem = a * b - c * res;

return res;

This way the core code doesn't get duplicated.

> and:
> u64 mul_u64_u64_div_u64_roundup(u64 a, u64 b, u64 c)
> {
> u64 rem, ret;
> ret = mul_u64_u64_div_u64_rem(a, b, c, &rem);
> if (rem)
> ret += 1;
> return ret;
> }
> would be nice. (This could be done in a follow up patch though.)

You're welcome to it. ;-)
