Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] mul_u64_u64_div_u64: make it precise always

From: Uwe Kleine-König
Date: Fri Jul 05 2024 - 06:26:30 EST

On Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 05:16:37PM -0400, Nicolas Pitre wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Uwe Kleine-König wrote:
> > Hello Nico,
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 11:34:08PM -0400, Nicolas Pitre wrote:
> > > + A.v = a;
> > > + B.v = b;
> > > +
> > > + X.v = (u64)A.l * B.l;
> > > + Y.v = (u64)A.l * B.h + X.h;
> > > + Z.v = (u64)A.h * B.h + Y.h;
> > > + Y.v = (u64)A.h * B.l + Y.l;
> > > + X.h = Y.l;
> > > + Z.v += Y.h;
> > > +
> > > + u64 n_lo = X.v, n_hi = Z.v;
> >
> > I tried to understand your patch. This part could really benefit from
> > some comments. With pen and paper I worked out your idea:
> >
> > The goal is:
> >
> > A * B == Z << 64 + X
> >
> > With A = A.h << 32 + A.l and similar identities for B, we have:
> >
> > A * B = (A.h << 32 + A.l) * (B.h << 32 + B.l)
> > = (A.h * B.h << 64 + (A.h * B.l + A.l * B.h) << 32 + A.l * B.l
> ^ missing )

Ack, alternatively the opening ( can be dropped.

> > The operations done here are only 32 bit multiplications and
> > additions, and with U32_MAX = 0xffffffff we have:
> > U32_MAX * U32_MAX + U32_MAX = (U32_MAX + 1) * U32_MAX =
> > 0xffffffff00000000 which fits into an u64. Even when adding
> > another U32_MAX (which happens with Z.v += Y.h) it still fits
> > into u64, and so the operations won't overflow.
> Exact, that's the idea.
> I was about to reproduce the code I wrote for a similar purpose about 18
> years ago that currently lives in __arch_xprod_64()
> (include/asm-generic/div64.h). when I realized that, with some
> reordering, all the overflow handling could be avoided entirely.
> So I'm about to submit some nice simplification for my old optimized
> __div64_const32() based on this realisation.
> > > + /* Do the full 128 by 64 bits division */
> >
> > Here is the code location where I stop understanding your code :-)
> Here's how it goes:
> To do a binary division, you have to align the numbers, find how many
> times the
> divisor fits and subtract, just like we learned in primary school.
> Except that we have binary numbers instead of base 10 numbers, making
> the "how many times" either 0 or 1.
> To align numbers, let's simply move set bits to the top left bit.
> Let's suppose a divisor c of 0x00ffffff00000000
> shift = __builtin_clzll(c);
> c <<= shift;
> so shift = 8 and c becomes 0xffffff0000000000
> Also need to track the actual divisor power. Given that we start working
> on n_hi not n_lo, this means the power is initially 64. But we just
> shifted c which increased its power:
> p = 64 + shift;
> Then, remember that n_hi < original c. That's ensured by the overflow
> test earlier. So shifting n_hi leftwards will require a greater shift
> than the one we applied to c, meaning that p will become 63 or less
> during the first loop.
> Let's suppose n_hi = 0x000ffffffff00000 and n_lo = 0
> Then enter the loop:
> carry = n_hi >> 63;
> Top bit of n_hi is unset so no carry.
> shift = carry ? 1 : __builtin_clzll(n_hi);
> If n'hi's top bit was set we'd have a shift of 1 with a carry. But here
> there is no carry and aligning n_hi to the top left bit requires a shift
> of 12.
> n_hi <<= shift;
> n_hi |= n_lo >> (64 - shift);
> n_lo <<= shift;
> So n_hi is now 0xffffffff00000000
> p -= shift;
> Shifting left the dividend reduces the divisor's power.
> So p is now 64 + 8 - 12 = 60
> Then, the crux of the operation:
> if (carry || (n_hi >= c)) {
> n_hi -= c;
> res |= 1ULL << p;
> }
> So... if the divisor fits then we add a 1 to the result and subtract it.
> n_hi = 0xffffffff00000000 - 0xffffff0000000000 = 0x000000ff00000000
> res |= 1 << 60
> Let's loop again:
> carry = n_hi >> 63;
> shift = carry ? 1 : __builtin_clzll(n_hi);
> ...
> No carry, shift becomes 24, p becomes 60 - 24 = 36 and
> n_hi becomes 0xff00000000000000.
> if (carry || (n_hi >= c)) { ...
> No carry and n_hi is smaller than c so loop again.
> carry = n_hi >> 63;
> shift = carry ? 1 : __builtin_clzll(n_hi);
> This time we have a carry as the top bit of n_hi is set and we're about
> to shift it by 1. p becomes 35 and n_hi becomes 0xfe00000000000000. In
> reality it is like having 0x1fe00000000000000 (a 65-bits value) which is
> obviously bigger than 0xffffff0000000000. So we can augment the result
> and subtract. Thanks to two's complement, we have:
> n_hi = 0xfe00000000000000 - 0xffffff0000000000 = 0xfe00010000000000
> and
> res = 1 << 60 | 1 << 35

Oh wow, that part is clever. Before your mail I wondered for a while why
the right thing happens if carry=1 but n_hi < c.

> And so on until either n_hi becomes 0 or p would go negative, which
> might happen quite quickly in some cases.

OK, so the loop invariant at the end of each iteration is:

final result = res + (n_hi#n_lo << p) / c

(with n_hi#n_lo = n_hi << 64 | n_lo), right?

> > > + /* The remainder value if needed would be n_hi << p */
> >
> > I indeed need a variant of this function that rounds up. So maybe
> > creating a function
> >
> > u64 mul_u64_u64_div_u64_rem(u64 a, u64 b, u64 c, u64 *rem)
> >
> > with the sophistication of your mul_u64_u64_div_u64 and then:
> >
> > u64 mul_u64_u64_div_u64(u64 a, u64 b, u64 c)
> > {
> > u64 rem, ret;
> >
> > ret = mul_u64_u64_div_u64_rem(a, b, c, &rem);
> > return ret;
> > }
> >
> > (In the hope that the compiler optimizes out the calculation for the
> > remainder)
> It probably won't unless the core function is a static inline.
> It might be more efficient to do this:
> u64 mul_u64_u64_div_u64_rem(u64 a, u64 b, u64 c, u64 *rem)
> {
> u64 res = u64 mul_u64_u64_div_u64(a, b, c);
> /* those multiplications will overflow but it doesn't matter */
> *rem = a * b - c * res;
> return res;
> }
> This way the core code doesn't get duplicated.

Good idea. I'll check that after the discussion about this patch.

Best regards

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