Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: rockchip: Add avdd supplies to hdmi on rock64

From: Dragan Simic
Date: Sun Jul 07 2024 - 17:23:50 EST

Hello Diederik,

Please see some comments below.

On 2024-07-04 21:18, Diederik de Haas wrote:
Pine64's Rock64 was missing the avdd supply properties on the hdmi node,
causing the following warnings:

dwhdmi-rockchip ff3c0000.hdmi: supply avdd-0v9 not found, using
dummy regulator
dwhdmi-rockchip ff3c0000.hdmi: supply avdd-1v8 not found, using
dummy regulator

In the Rock64 Schematic document version 2.0 those supplies are marked
as DVIDEO_AVDD_1V0 and DVIDEO_AVDD_1V8 respectively, but in version 3.0
those are named HDMI_AVDD_1V0 and HDMI_AVDD_1V8, which is a bit clearer.
In both versions those are connected to LDO3 and LDO1 respectively.

While the DeviceTree property is named 'avdd-0v9-supply' the
'rockchip,dw-hdmi.yaml' binding document notes the following:

A 0.9V supply that powers up the SoC internal circuitry. The actual
pin name varies between the different SoCs and is usually
HDMI_TX_AVDD_0V9 or sometimes HDMI_AVDD_1V0.

So the 'vdd_10' reference is not an error.

Signed-off-by: Diederik de Haas <didi.debian@xxxxxxxxx>

Already verified the above-quoted statement from the .yaml binding
in the RK3328 and RK3399 datasheets. Thus, hoping that you agree
with the first line:

Helped-by: Dragan Simic <dsimic@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Dragan Simic <dsimic@xxxxxxxxxxx>

I'd also suggest that a brief comment is added to rk3328-rock64.dts,
right above the "avdd-0v9-supply = <&vdd_10>;" line. Perhaps something
like this:

+ /*
+ * RK3328 requires 1.0 V on HDMI_AVDD_1V0, which is HDMI_AVDD_0V9
+ * and requires 0.9 V on other Rockchip SoCs
+ */

arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dts | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dts
index 229fe9da9c2d..90fef766f3ae 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dts
@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ &gmac2io {

&hdmi {
+ avdd-0v9-supply = <&vdd_10>;
+ avdd-1v8-supply = <&vcc_18>;
status = "okay";