Re:Re: [PATCH-RT sched v1 0/2] Optimize the RT group scheduling
From: Xavier
Date: Tue Jul 30 2024 - 23:04:09 EST
Hi Michal,
Your question is good. however, I currently don't have a stable hardware
environment to execute this test case. Running it on QEMU indeed subjects
it to significant random interference. I attempted to make the test cases run
for longer periods, but I found that the results varied significantly each time.
So the previous test data was obtained by running two QEMU instances
simultaneously, one running the unoptimized kernel and the other running
the optimized kernel, this makes the results more convincing.
Nevertheless, from the code logic, it is evident that the optimizations have
indeed resulted in fewer se insert and delete operations, which theoretically
should improve efficiency.
Best Regards,
At 2024-07-29 17:32:37, "Michal Koutný" <mkoutny@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 01:21:54AM GMT, Xavier <xavier_qy@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> The first patch optimizes the enqueue and dequeue of rt_se, the strategy
>> employs a bottom-up removal approach.
>I haven't read the patches, I only have a remark to the numbers.
>> The second patch provides validation for the efficiency improvements made
>> by patch 1. The test case count the number of infinite loop executions for
>> all threads.
>> origion optimized
>> 10242794134 10659512784
>> 13650210798 13555924695
>> 12953159254 13733609646
>> 11888973428 11742656925
>> 12791797633 13447598015
>> 11451270205 11704847480
>> 13335320346 13858155642
>> 10682907328 10513565749
>> 10173249704 10254224697
>> 8309259793 8893668653
>^^^ This is fine, that's what you measured.
>> avg 11547894262 11836376429
>But providing averages with that many significant digit is nonsensical
>(most of them are noise).
>If I put your columns into D (Octave) and estimate some errors:
>(std(D)/sqrt(10)) ./ mean(D)
>ans =
> 0.046626 0.046755
>the error itself would be rounded to ~5%, so the averages measured
>should be rounded accordingly
> avg 11500000000 11800000000
>or even more conservatively
> avg 12000000000 12000000000
>> Run two QEMU emulators simultaneously, one running the original kernel and the
>> other running the optimized kernel, and compare the average of the results over
>> 10 runs. After optimizing, the number of iterations in the infinite loop increased
>> by approximately 2.5%.
>Notice that the measure changed is on par with noise in the data (i.e.
>it may be accidental). You may need more iterations to get cleaner
>result (more convincing data).