Re: [PATCH v7] sched: Consolidate cpufreq updates

From: Christian Loehle
Date: Tue Aug 13 2024 - 12:56:23 EST

On 8/13/24 17:43, Vincent Guittot wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Aug 2024 at 18:26, Christian Loehle <christian.loehle@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 8/13/24 09:27, Vincent Guittot wrote:
>>> On Tue, 13 Aug 2024 at 10:25, Vincent Guittot
>>> <vincent.guittot@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 at 17:35, Christian Loehle <christian.loehle@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> On 7/28/24 19:45, Qais Yousef wrote:
>>>>>> Improve the interaction with cpufreq governors by making the
>>>>>> cpufreq_update_util() calls more intentional.
>>>>>> At the moment we send them when load is updated for CFS, bandwidth for
>>>>>> DL and at enqueue/dequeue for RT. But this can lead to too many updates
>>>>>> sent in a short period of time and potentially be ignored at a critical
>>>>>> moment due to the rate_limit_us in schedutil.
>>>>>> For example, simultaneous task enqueue on the CPU where 2nd task is
>>>>>> bigger and requires higher freq. The trigger to cpufreq_update_util() by
>>>>>> the first task will lead to dropping the 2nd request until tick. Or
>>>>>> another CPU in the same policy triggers a freq update shortly after.
>>>>>> Updates at enqueue for RT are not strictly required. Though they do help
>>>>>> to reduce the delay for switching the frequency and the potential
>>>>>> observation of lower frequency during this delay. But current logic
>>>>>> doesn't intentionally (at least to my understanding) try to speed up the
>>>>>> request.
>>>>>> To help reduce the amount of cpufreq updates and make them more
>>>>>> purposeful, consolidate them into these locations:
>>>>>> 1. context_switch()
>>>>>> 2. task_tick_fair()
>>>>>> 3. sched_balance_update_blocked_averages()
>>>>>> 4. on sched_setscheduler() syscall that changes policy or uclamp values
>>>>>> 5. on check_preempt_wakeup_fair() if wakeup preemption failed
>>>>>> 6. on __add_running_bw() to guarantee DL bandwidth requirements.
>>>>>> The update at context switch should help guarantee that RT get the right
>>>>>> frequency straightaway when they're RUNNING. As mentioned though the
>>>>>> update will happen slightly after enqueue_task(); though in an ideal
>>>>>> world these tasks should be RUNNING ASAP and this additional delay
>>>>>> should be negligible. For fair tasks we need to make sure we send
>>>>>> a single update for every decay for the root cfs_rq. Any changes to the
>>>>>> rq will be deferred until the next task is ready to run, or we hit TICK.
>>>>>> But we are guaranteed the task is running at a level that meets its
>>>>>> requirements after enqueue.
>>>>>> To guarantee RT and DL tasks updates are never missed, we add a new
>>>>>> SCHED_CPUFREQ_FORCE_UPDATE to ignore the rate_limit_us. If we are
>>>>>> already running at the right freq, the governor will end up doing
>>>>>> nothing, but we eliminate the risk of the task ending up accidentally
>>>>>> running at the wrong freq due to rate_limit_us.
>>>>>> Similarly for iowait boost, we ignore rate limits. We also handle a case
>>>>>> of a boost reset prematurely by adding a guard in sugov_iowait_apply()
>>>>>> to reduce the boost after 1ms which seems iowait boost mechanism relied
>>>>>> on rate_limit_us and cfs_rq.decayed preventing any updates to happen
>>>>>> soon after iowait boost.
>>>>>> The new SCHED_CPUFREQ_FORCE_UPDATE should not impact the rate limit
>>>>>> time stamps otherwise we can end up delaying updates for normal
>>>>>> requests.
>>>>> Hi Qais,
>>>>> the idea of SCHED_CPUFREQ_FORCE_UPDATE and the possiblity of spamming
>>>>> freq updates still bothered me so let me share my thoughts even though
>>>>> it might be niche enough for us not to care.
>>>>> 1. On fast_switch systems, assuming they are fine with handling the
>>>>> actual updates, we have a bit more work on each context_switch() and
>>>>> some synchronisation, too. That should be fine, if anything there's
>>>>> some performance regression in a couple of niche cases.
>>>>> 2. On !fast_switch systems this gets more interesting IMO. So we have
>>>>> a sugov DEADLINE task wakeup for every (in a freq-diff resulting)
>>>>> update request. This task will preempt whatever and currently will
>>>>> pretty much always be running on the CPU it ran last on (so first CPU
>>>>> of the PD).
>>>> The !fast_switch is a bit of concern for me too but not for the same
>>>> reason and maybe the opposite of yours IIUC your proposal below:
>>>> With fast_switch we have the following sequence:
>>>> sched_switch() to task A
>>>> cpufreq_driver_fast_switch -> write new freq target
>>>> run task A
>>>> This is pretty straight forward but we have the following sequence
>>>> with !fast_switch
>>>> sched_switch() to task A
>>>> queue_irq_work -> raise an IPI on local CPU
>>>> Handle IPI -> wakeup and queue sugov dl worker on local CPU (always
>>>> with 1 CPU per PD)
>>>> sched_switch() to sugov dl task
>>>> __cpufreq_driver_target() which can possibly block on a lock
>>>> sched_switch() to task A
>>>> run task A
>>> sent a bit too early
>>>> We can possibly have 2 context switch and one IPi for each "normal"
>>>> context switch which is not really optimal
>>> It would be good to find a way to skip the spurious back and forth
>>> between the normal task and sugov
>> Just to confirm I understand your concern correctly, that's more or
>> less the behavior without Qais' patch as well though, isn't it?
>> Ignoring the move from "This happens at enqueue" vs. "this
>> happens at context switch".
> without Qais patch, we save a useless context switch to task A

Ah right gotcha, the 'mostly' complete switch to task A that is
annulled by the switch to sugov dl task is indeed wasteful.

> enqueue task A
> queue_irq_work -> raise an IPI on local CPU
> Handle IPI -> wakeup and queue sugov dl worker on local CPU (always
> with 1 CPU per PD)
> sched_switch() to sugov dl task
> __cpufreq_driver_target() which can possibly block on a lock
> sched_switch() to task A
>> Since sugov doesn't queue any work if the desired frequency doesn't
>> change I imagine it's not too bad?
>> Or are you more concerned that the work is queued multiple times
>> simultaneously for multiple CPUs of the same PD? If so we can
>> work around that with the work_in_progress state to at least limit
>> that window by a lot.
>> [snip]