Re: [PATCH 13/13] media: qcom: camss: Add support for VFE hardware version Titan 780
From: Bryan O'Donoghue
Date: Mon Aug 19 2024 - 07:06:38 EST
On 12/08/2024 15:41, Depeng Shao wrote:
+#define VFE_BUS_WM_CFG(n) (BUS_REG_BASE + 0x200 + (n) * 0x100)
+#define RDI_WM(n) ((vfe_is_lite(vfe) ? 0x0 : 0x17) + (n))
+static void vfe_wm_start(struct vfe_device *vfe, u8 wm, struct vfe_line *line)
+ struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pix =
+ &line->video_out.active_fmt.fmt.pix_mp;
+ wm = RDI_WM(wm); /* map to actual WM used (from wm=RDI index) */
OK so one more point here.
The non-lite VFE has I think in the case of sm8550 twenty seven
different bus clients.
The above code takes a given index - take the example of index 0 meaning
RDI0 and
1. Determines if is_lite() is true deriving a jump of 0 or 0x17
2. Uses this index as a further offset to functions such as
3. In no way articulates which bus client is which.
So for a non lite case -> RDI0 is bus client # 23
The code we have for CAMSS just assumes RDI is the only client we are
programming - which I'm not proposing to change for now, however the
code is very not obvious in what it is doing here.
This BTW isn't a criticism of what you've done here but, even though I
have access to the registers in front of me, I had to spend about 30
minutes looking up and verifying these offsets.
That's not sustainable.
Could you please add a comment which details what each index relates to.
* Bus client mapping
* 0 = VID_Y ?
* 1 = VID_C
* .. etc
* .. etc
* 23 = RDI0
* 24 = RDI1
I'll try to apply a similar level of index documentation for existing
upstream submissions so that working out client mappings is less tedious
and will be requiring these mappings for new VFE silicon enabling code