Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4-main: align watchdog clocks

From: Kumar, Udit
Date: Mon Aug 26 2024 - 14:32:05 EST

On 8/5/2024 11:12 PM, Eric Chanudet wrote:
assigned-clock sets DEV_RTIx_RTI_CLK(id:0) whereas clocks sets
look right, the timers in the driver assume a max frequency of 32kHz for
the heartbeat (HFOSC0 is 19.2MHz on j784s4-evm).

With this change, WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT return coherent time left
(DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT=60, reports 60s upon opening the cdev).


Fixes: caae599de8c6 ("arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4-main: Add the main domain watchdog instances")
Suggested-by: Andrew Halaney <ahalaney@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Eric Chanudet <echanude@xxxxxxxxxx>
I could not get the watchdog to do more than reporting 0x32 in
RTIWDSTATUS. Setting RTIWWDRXCTRL[0:3] to generate a reset instead of an
interrupt (0x5) didn't trigger a reset either when the window expired.

Tested-by: Udit Kumar <u-kumar1@xxxxxx>

Able to reset the board

arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-main.dtsi | 38 +++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-main.dtsi b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-main.dtsi
index f170f80f00c1..6c014d335f2c 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-main.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-j784s4-main.dtsi
@@ -2429,7 +2429,7 @@ main_esm: esm@700000 {
watchdog0: watchdog@2200000 {
compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
reg = <0x00 0x2200000 0x00 0x100>;
- clocks = <&k3_clks 348 1>;
+ clocks = <&k3_clks 348 0>;
power-domains = <&k3_pds 348 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;