Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4-main: align watchdog clocks

From: Kumar, Udit
Date: Tue Aug 27 2024 - 00:12:08 EST

Hi Eric

On 8/27/2024 3:50 AM, Eric Chanudet wrote:
On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 11:53:56PM GMT, Kumar, Udit wrote:
Hello Eric

On 8/21/2024 3:31 AM, Eric Chanudet wrote:
On Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 01:42:51PM GMT, Eric Chanudet wrote:
I could not get the watchdog to do more than reporting 0x32 in
RTIWDSTATUS. Setting RTIWWDRXCTRL[0:3] to generate a reset instead of an
interrupt (0x5) didn't trigger a reset either when the window expired.
Re-testing using u-boot from the BSP (2023.04) has the board reset as
expected when the watchdog expires and WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT report the time
left coherently with this patch until that happens.

I initially had a u-boot with a DT lacking:
"mcu_esm: esm@40800000"
and I could reproduce the board not resetting by commenting in its
"ti,esm-pins = <95>;"

I don't understand why that is on the other hand. The TRM says ESM0
ERR_O drives the SOC_SAFETY_ERRORn pin, which goes to the PMIC GPIO3 on
the schematic _and_ to MCU_ESM0 as an error input event. The tps6594-esm
module is probing successfully and it sets both ESM_SOC_EN|ESM_SOC_ENDRV
and ESM_SOC_START, so I would expect the PMIC to reset the board without
MCU_ESM0 being described or configured by u-boot.
AFAIK, Keerthy correct me. GPIO-7 of PMIC should reset the boards.
That is what I'm seeing too, MCU_ESM0 is able to reset the board.

If you see figure 5-27 of TRM then SOC_SAFETY_ERRORn goes to GPIO-3 of
PMIC (schematic)

Same time this is cascaded to MCU-ESM and WKUP-ESM to generate

and MCU_SAFETY_ERRORn is connected to GPIO-7.
Agreed (Figure 5-25, in TRM "SPRUJ52" for J784S4).

Unlike other device J721E (for reference)

SOC_SAFETY_ERRORn is generated by Main ESM and MCU_SAFETY_ERRORn can be
generated by WKUP_ESM and main_ESM.

Please look at schematic of J721E SOM [0], both SOC_SAFETY_ERRZ and
MCU_SAFETY_ERRZ both are connected to GPIO-7 of PMIC.

So on this device and board, only main ESM configuration is working for us.

Sure, but I am using J784S4[1] and the schematic of that board
(PROC141E4(001)_SCH) shows SOC_SAFETY_ERRZ going to PMIC GPIO3.

So when u-boot _does not_ configure MCU_ESM0 chaining through pin95, I
would still expect the board to reboot, because ESM0 raised
SOC_SAFETY_ERRORn on TPS6594 GPIO3 which should reset the board. Yet
that does not seem to happen.

I think, we are saying same thing .

Reset is happening with GPIO-7 pin of PMIC not with GPIO-3 PIN.


On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 11:48:34AM GMT, Andrew Halaney wrote:
rti0 ---> ESM0 pin 688 --SOC_SAFETY_ERRORn--> TPS6594 GPIO3
--> MCU_ESM0 pin 95 --> WKUP_ESM0 pin 63 --MCU_SAFETY_ERRORn--> TPS6584 GPIO7
Using Andrew's drawing as it matches my understanding as well. So the
PMIC should reset the board even if MCU_ESM0 isn't configured with pin95

Am I misunderstanding this?

I am not PMIC expert,

but based upon my results on other SOC/EVM. SOC_SAFETY_ERRORn signal can reset the board, if this is connected with GPIO-7 pin of PMIC.

As well, since it is mentioned in Andrew's reply:

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 11:48:34AM GMT, Andrew Halaney wrote:
did you ensure that ESM0 was programmed in this test? Right now if
you're using upstream u-boot and upstream linux, nobody seems to be
configured by default to do that
I am using the BSP u-boot (2023.04-f9b966c674) for this test, which has
CONFIG_ESM_K3=y and esm@700000's description with pin688.
