Re: [PATCH 13/13] media: qcom: camss: Add support for VFE hardware version Titan 780

From: Bryan O'Donoghue
Date: Tue Aug 27 2024 - 09:16:42 EST

On 12/08/2024 15:41, Depeng Shao wrote:
+static void vfe_reg_update(struct vfe_device *vfe, enum vfe_line_id line_id)
+ int port_id = line_id;
+ /* RUP(register update) registers has beem moved to CSID in Titan 780.
+ * Notify the event of trigger RUP.
+ */
+ camss_reg_update(vfe->camss, vfe->id, port_id, false);
+static inline void vfe_reg_update_clear(struct vfe_device *vfe,
+ enum vfe_line_id line_id)
+ int port_id = line_id;
+ /* RUP(register update) registers has beem moved to CSID in Titan 780.
+ * Notify the event of trigger RUP clear.
+ */
+ camss_reg_update(vfe->camss, vfe->id, port_id, true);

I think I tend to agree with Vlad here, that this is a needless layer of wrappering.

I'm not sure that's exactly what you guys where talking about but, I rebased my x1e80100 stuff on top of your stuff

and anyway the above wrapper didn't make alot of sense to me.
