Re: [PATCH RFC 0/3] tsm: Unified Measurement Register ABI for TVMs

From: Xing, Cedric
Date: Tue Sep 10 2024 - 14:07:49 EST

On 9/10/2024 2:47 AM, Alexander Graf wrote:
On 09.09.24 16:55, Xing, Cedric wrote:
Distinguishing them in the user interface makes enumeration of RTMRs
easier. Also, there are RTMR specific artifacts that static MRs don't
have. The most obvious is the `event_log`. `hash_algo` is less obvious
but it is in fact applicable to RTMRs only (the only thing that a static
MR has is its value). Adding those to static MRs would confuse users.

I think that this statement is looking too much at the problem with TDX glasses on. Conceptually, measurements can happen at any time by any component and then get locked going forward. Let's look a bit at what different solutions do:


static - special registers that get written by the secure module and are locked at launch (?); SHA256? No event log; order defined by platform.
dynamic - special registers that are mutable at runtime


static - launch digest generated by ASP at launch time using a SEV-SNP specific algorithm. No event log; order defined by platform.
dynamic - not specified, would be implemented by an SVSM

Nitro Enclaves

static - PCR0-15 get calculated and then locked by the boot loader. SHA384. No event log; mechanics to reproduce are defined in docs.
dynamic - PCR16-31 are up for customer use and can be locked at any later stage. SHA384. Event log is undefined and up to customer code.

All static calculations are based on some algorithm. Yes, the algorithm isn't necessarily a standard digest, but they can all have a name. I can also absolutely see how any of the solutions above gain event log support for static or dynamic measurements. At the end of the day, an event log for static measurements is just a matter of writing it out at launch time.

So what I'm trying to say is: In the user space ABI (file system layout), please treat static and dynamic registers identically. There really is no difference between them apart from the fact that some are read-only and others are read-write.

You are absolute right that all MRs are the same thing, and that's why they are modeled in the same way at the CC guest driver level. In fact, if a CC guest wants to expose all MRs in their own dirs, it could set `TSM_MR_F_X` for all MRs and returns an error from `extend` for static/non-extensible ones. For example, PCR0~31 may all be exposed this way on Nitro. I hope this addresses your concerns.