[PATCH net-next v2 1/3] selftests: nic_basic_tests: Add selftest file for basic tests of NIC

From: Mohan Prasad J
Date: Tue Sep 17 2024 - 05:33:51 EST

Add selftest file to test basic features of a NIC driver.
Tests for link modes, auto-negotiation are placed.
Selftest makes use of ksft modules and ethtool.
Add selftest file in the Makefile.

Signed-off-by: Mohan Prasad J <mohan.prasad@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
.../testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile | 1 +
.../drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py | 145 ++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 146 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
index c9f2f48fc..9f105227c 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ TEST_PROGS = \
hw_stats_l3.sh \
hw_stats_l3_gre.sh \
loopback.sh \
+ nic_basic_tests.py \
pp_alloc_fail.py \
rss_ctx.py \
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27f780032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#This file has basic tests for generic NIC drivers.
+#The test comprises of auto-negotiation, speed and duplex checks.
+#Also has tests to check the throughput
+#Connect the DUT PC with NIC card to partner pc back via ethernet medium of your choice(RJ45, T1)
+# DUT PC Partner PC
+#┌───────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────┐
+#│ │ │ │
+#│ │ │ │
+#│ ┌───────────┐ │ │
+#│ │DUT NIC │ Eth │ │
+#│ │Interface ─┼─────────────────────────┼─ any eth Interface │
+#│ └───────────┘ │ │
+#│ │ │ │
+#│ │ │ │
+#└───────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────────┘
+# Change the below configuration based on your hw needs.
+# """Default values"""
+sleep_time = 5 #time taken to wait for transitions to happen, in seconds.
+test_duration = 5 #performance test duration for the throughput check, in seconds.
+throughput_threshold = 0.8 #percentage of throughput required to pass the throughput
+import time
+import os
+import re
+import configparser
+import json
+from lib.py import ksft_run, ksft_exit, ksft_pr, ksft_eq
+from lib.py import KsftFailEx, KsftSkipEx
+from lib.py import NetDrvEpEnv
+from lib.py import cmd
+from lib.py import ethtool
+"""Global variables"""
+common_link_modes = []
+def get_ethtool_content(ifname: str, field: str):
+ capture = False
+ content = []
+ """Get the ethtool content for the interface"""
+ process = ethtool(f"{ifname}")
+ if process.ret != 0:
+ raise KsftSkipEx(f"Error while getting the ethtool content for interface {ifname}")
+ lines = process.stdout.splitlines()
+ """Retrieve the content of the field"""
+ for line in lines:
+ if field in line:
+ capture = True
+ data = line.split(":")[1].strip()
+ content.extend(data.split())
+ continue
+ if capture:
+ if ":" in line:
+ break;
+ if line.strip():
+ content.extend(line.strip().split())
+ if capture == False:
+ raise KsftSkipEx(f"Field \"{field}\" not found in ethtool output")
+ return content
+def get_speed_duplex(content):
+ speed = []
+ duplex = []
+ """Check the link modes"""
+ for data in content:
+ parts = data.split('/')
+ speed_value = re.match(r'\d+', parts[0])
+ if speed_value:
+ speed.append(speed_value.group())
+ else:
+ raise KsftSkipEx(f"No speed value found for interface {ifname}")
+ duplex.append(parts[1].lower())
+ return speed, duplex
+def verify_link_up(ifname: str) -> None:
+ """Verify whether the link is up"""
+ with open(f"/sys/class/net/{ifname}/operstate", "r") as fp:
+ link_state = fp.read().strip()
+ if link_state == "down":
+ raise KsftSkipEx(f"Link state of interface {ifname} is DOWN")
+def set_autonegotiation_state(ifname: str, state: str) -> None:
+ content = get_ethtool_content(ifname, "Supported link modes:")
+ speeds, duplex_modes = get_speed_duplex(content)
+ speed = speeds[0]
+ duplex = duplex_modes[0]
+ if not speed or not duplex:
+ KsftSkipEx("No speed or duplex modes found")
+ """Set the autonegotiation state for the interface"""
+ process = ethtool(f"-s {ifname} speed {speed} duplex {duplex} autoneg {state}")
+ if process.ret != 0:
+ raise KsftFailEx(f"Not able to set autoneg parameter for {ifname}")
+ ksft_pr(f"Autoneg set as {state} for {ifname}")
+def verify_autonegotiation(ifname: str, expected_state: str) -> None:
+ verify_link_up(ifname)
+ """Verifying the autonegotiation state"""
+ output = get_ethtool_content(ifname, "Auto-negotiation:")
+ actual_state = output[0]
+ ksft_eq(actual_state, expected_state)
+def test_link_modes(cfg) -> None:
+ global common_link_modes
+ link_modes = get_ethtool_content(cfg.ifname, "Supported link modes:")
+ partner_link_modes = get_ethtool_content(cfg.ifname, "Link partner advertised link modes:")
+ if link_modes and partner_link_modes:
+ for idx1 in range(len(link_modes)):
+ for idx2 in range(len(partner_link_modes)):
+ if link_modes[idx1] == partner_link_modes[idx2]:
+ common_link_modes.append(link_modes[idx1])
+ break
+ else:
+ raise KsftFailEx("No link modes available")
+def test_autonegotiation(cfg) -> None:
+ autoneg = get_ethtool_content(cfg.ifname, "Supports auto-negotiation:")
+ if autoneg[0] == "Yes":
+ for state in ["off", "on"]:
+ set_autonegotiation_state(cfg.ifname, state)
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ verify_autonegotiation(cfg.ifname, state)
+ else:
+ raise KsftSkipEx(f"Auto-Negotiation is not supported for interface {cfg.ifname}")
+def main() -> None:
+ with NetDrvEpEnv(__file__) as cfg:
+ ksft_run(globs=globals(), case_pfx={"test_"}, args=(cfg,))
+ ksft_exit()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()