[PATCH net-next v2 2/3] selftests: nic_basic_tests: Add selftest case for speed and duplex state checks
From: Mohan Prasad J
Date: Tue Sep 17 2024 - 05:33:56 EST
Add selftest case for testing the speed and duplex state of
local NIC driver and the partner based on the supported
link modes obtained from the ethtool. Speed and duplex states
are varied and verified using ethtool.
Signed-off-by: Mohan Prasad J <mohan.prasad@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
.../drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py | 46 +++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 46 insertions(+)
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py
index 27f780032..ff46f2406 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/nic_basic_tests.py
@@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ from lib.py import ethtool
"""Global variables"""
common_link_modes = []
+def check_autonegotiation(ifname: str) -> None:
+ autoneg = get_ethtool_content(ifname, "Supports auto-negotiation:")
+ partner_autoneg = get_ethtool_content(ifname, "Link partner advertised auto-negotiation:")
+ """Check if auto-neg supported by local and partner NIC"""
+ if autoneg[0] != "Yes" or partner_autoneg[0] != "Yes":
+ raise KsftSkipEx(f"Interface {ifname} or partner does not support auto-negotiation")
def get_ethtool_content(ifname: str, field: str):
capture = False
content = []
@@ -112,6 +120,25 @@ def verify_autonegotiation(ifname: str, expected_state: str) -> None:
ksft_eq(actual_state, expected_state)
+def set_speed_and_duplex(ifname: str, speed: str, duplex: str) -> None:
+ """Set the speed and duplex state for the interface"""
+ process = ethtool(f"--change {ifname} speed {speed} duplex {duplex} autoneg on")
+ if process.ret != 0:
+ raise KsftFailEx(f"Not able to set speed and duplex parameters for {ifname}")
+ ksft_pr(f"Speed: {speed} Mbps, Duplex: {duplex} set for Interface: {ifname}")
+def verify_speed_and_duplex(ifname: str, expected_speed: str, expected_duplex: str) -> None:
+ verify_link_up(ifname)
+ """Verifying the speed and duplex state for the interface"""
+ with open(f"/sys/class/net/{ifname}/speed", "r") as fp:
+ actual_speed = fp.read().strip()
+ with open(f"/sys/class/net/{ifname}/duplex", "r") as fp:
+ actual_duplex = fp.read().strip()
+ ksft_eq(actual_speed, expected_speed)
+ ksft_eq(actual_duplex, expected_duplex)
def test_link_modes(cfg) -> None:
global common_link_modes
link_modes = get_ethtool_content(cfg.ifname, "Supported link modes:")
@@ -136,6 +163,25 @@ def test_autonegotiation(cfg) -> None:
raise KsftSkipEx(f"Auto-Negotiation is not supported for interface {cfg.ifname}")
+def test_network_speed(cfg) -> None:
+ check_autonegotiation(cfg.ifname)
+ if not common_link_modes:
+ KsftSkipEx("No common link modes exist")
+ speeds, duplex_modes = get_speed_duplex(common_link_modes)
+ if speeds and duplex_modes and len(speeds) == len(duplex_modes):
+ for idx in range(len(speeds)):
+ speed = speeds[idx]
+ duplex = duplex_modes[idx]
+ set_speed_and_duplex(cfg.ifname, speed, duplex)
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ verify_speed_and_duplex(cfg.ifname, speed, duplex)
+ else:
+ if not speeds or not duplex_modes:
+ KsftSkipEx(f"No supported speeds or duplex modes found for interface {cfg.ifname}")
+ else:
+ KsftSkipEx("Mismatch in the number of speeds and duplex modes")
def main() -> None:
with NetDrvEpEnv(__file__) as cfg:
ksft_run(globs=globals(), case_pfx={"test_"}, args=(cfg,))