RE: [PATCH v5 3/3] drivers: iio: adc: add support for ad777x family

From: Nechita, Ramona
Date: Fri Sep 20 2024 - 09:25:48 EST

Hello all,

Just a minor question
>> +
>> +static irqreturn_t ad7779_trigger_handler(int irq, void *p) {
>> + struct iio_poll_func *pf = p;
>> + struct iio_dev *indio_dev = pf->indio_dev;
>> + struct ad7779_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev);
>> + int ret;
>> + int bit;
>> + int k = 0;
>> + /*
>> + * Each channel shifts out HEADER + 24 bits of data therefore 8 * u32
>> + * for the data and 64 bits for the timestamp
>> + */
>> + u32 tmp[10];
>> +
>> + struct spi_transfer sd_readback_tr[] = {
>> + {
>> + .rx_buf = st->spidata_rx,
>> + .tx_buf = st->spidata_tx,
>> + .len = AD7779_NUM_CHANNELS * AD7779_CHAN_DATA_SIZE,
>> + }
>> + };
>> +
>> + if (!iio_buffer_enabled(indio_dev))
>> + goto exit_handler;
>If buffers aren't enabled, the push to buffers won't do anything. So this race shouldn't matter. If it does, what happens?
>I'm curious because I'd expect any races that cause trouble in this case to be pretty universal across drivers.

I added that condition rather because the DRDY pulse will keep on being generated even when the buffers are not active,
and it would be better to exit the function sooner. I tested it and it does not break to remove the condition, I just
thought it made more sense like this. Should I delete it?


Best regards,
Ramona Nechita