Re: [PATCH v1] media: atomisp: Fix typos in comment

From: Philipp Hortmann
Date: Mon Sep 23 2024 - 01:45:03 EST

On 9/23/24 5:30 AM, Yu Jiaoliang wrote:
Corrected typos:

These changes fix the typos in the comment,
without affecting the functionality.

Signed-off-by: Yu Jiaoliang <yujiaoliang@xxxxxxxx>

Hi Jiaoliang,

Please make your "Subject" line more unique. Consider that we may end up with having dozen of commits like yours, all of them referring to different removals and all without the necessary information to tell what they differ in (except the driver/subsystem). So it would help if you add the changed file or function to make it more unique.

Please improve your patch description. Better omit what you are changing as this can be seen in the change itself. Do focus on why this patch makes the code better. Your sentence is fine. Just remove what you change.

If you send in a second version of this patch please use a change history. Description from Dan under:


Bye Philipp