Re: [PATCH v1] media: atomisp: Fix typos in comment

From: Andy Shevchenko
Date: Mon Sep 23 2024 - 04:29:00 EST

On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 07:44:51AM +0200, Philipp Hortmann wrote:
> On 9/23/24 5:30 AM, Yu Jiaoliang wrote:


> Please make your "Subject" line more unique. Consider that we may end up
> with having dozen of commits like yours, all of them referring to different
> removals and all without the necessary information to tell what they differ
> in (except the driver/subsystem). So it would help if you add the changed
> file or function to make it more unique.

For _this_ driver the Subject is good enough, no need to change.
We all know that
1) AtomISP is in staging;
2) AtomISP is unique driver in the entire kernel.

> Please improve your patch description. Better omit what you are changing as
> this can be seen in the change itself. Do focus on why this patch makes the
> code better. Your sentence is fine. Just remove what you change.
> If you send in a second version of this patch please use a change history.
> Description from Dan under:

The above is a good advice, thanks.

With Best Regards,
Andy Shevchenko