Re: [PATCH] media: platform: mtk-mdp3: cmdq: Remove duplicated platforms checks

From: Mohammed Anees
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 02:44:50 EST

> This should've been [PATCH v2], because this *is* a version 2: even if you
> have changed the title a bit, it's still "the same" patch ;-)

Oh okay!! I didn’t know that one should have marked it as v2. My apologies
for that! Thanks for being lenient this time, I really appreciate it.
I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again.

> Next time, please version your patches correctly.
> Anyway, apart from this not being declared as v2, this time I'll let you
> get my
> Reviewed-by: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno <angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ...because the patch is good, and because it's only the first time that I warn
> you about this :-)
>Keep up the good work!
