RE: [PATCH v2 06/10] x86/mce: Convert multiple if () statements into a switch() statement

From: Zhuo, Qiuxu
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 22:09:19 EST

> From: Mehta, Sohil <sohil.mehta@xxxxxxxxx>
> [...]
> On 10/21/2024 9:06 AM, Luck, Tony wrote:
> [...]
> > This change is correct. But the old code makes it more explicit that
> > CPUs in families > 6 take this action. As the author of the VFM
> > changes it's clear to me, maybe less so to others?
> >
> > But maybe its OK. The comment does help a lot. Anyone else have thoughts
> on this?
> >
> I am not very familiar with the intricacies of the VFM checks. I did take me a
> few minutes to figure out why the modified code is correct.

OK. So, back to your original question below, what is your answer to it now? :-)

"Can some of the hardcoded numbers be changed to vfm macros as well?"