Re: [PATCH] scsi: pm80xx: Use module param to set pcs event log severity

From: Salomon Dushimirimana
Date: Mon Oct 28 2024 - 19:57:47 EST


These are the log levels and their descriptions for the pm80xx controllers -
0 - Disable logging
1 - Critical error
2 - Warning
3 - Notice
4 - Information
5 - Debugging
6 - Reserved

Loglevel 3 helps capture messages of severity level 3 and above. It is
not expected to be verbose and helps avoid the log overflow problem.

For debugging, there may be a need to change the loglevel, hence
making it configurable.

Salomon Dushimirimana

Salomon Dushimirimana

On Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 11:45 AM Martin K. Petersen
<martin.petersen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Salomon,
> > 3 works well for Google, but a different value might be better for
> > others. Having a module parameter would allow users to customize the
> > level of logging based on their specific needs. If that is not a
> > concern, I can change the default to just 3.
> How verbose will a value of 3 be during normal operation? I don't object
> to capturing more information during failure scenarios as long as we're
> not flooding the logs with noise when things are nominal.
> --
> Martin K. Petersen Oracle Linux Engineering