Re: [PATCH v2] spi: atmel-quadspi: Create `atmel_qspi_ops` to support newer SoC families

From: Csókás Bence
Date: Wed Oct 30 2024 - 08:38:07 EST


On 2024. 10. 30. 12:09, Tudor Ambarus wrote:
I think it's fine to split sama7g5 addition in smaller steps. But please
add the sama7g5 support in the same patch set, otherwise this patch
doesn't make sense on its own.

Well, actually, we're using SAMA5D2. My goal was just to somewhat harmonize upstream with the vendor kernel so that we may contribute other patches that we have made on top of the latter, or in the future, take patches from upstream and apply it to our vendor kernel-based tree. This patch was only meant to lay the groundworks for future SAMA7G5 support. I can of course send the "other half" of the original patch if needed, but I wouldn't want it to hold up this refactor.

Also, if you think you significantly changed the code of authors, I
think it's fine to overwrite the authorship. Otherwise, try to keep the
authorship and specify your contributions above your S-o-b tag.

I don't know if it counts as "significantly changed", I split out parts of a patch that were relevant for our device, and made small adjustments to make it correctly apply to master. I didn't find a descriptive enough tag for this, so I just went with Cc:, but if so desired, I could change it to a S-o-b, Co-authored-by, Suggested-by etc.
