[PATCH] kbuild,bpf: pass make jobs' value to pahole
From: Florian Schmaus
Date: Sat Nov 02 2024 - 06:16:42 EST
Pass the value of make's -j/--jobs argument to pahole, to avoid out of
memory errors and make pahole respect the "jobs" value of make.
On systems with little memory but many cores, invoking pahole using -j
without argument potentially creates too many pahole instances,
causing an out-of-memory situation. Instead, we should pass make's
"jobs" value as an argument to pahole's -j, which is likely configured
to be (much) lower than the actual core count on such systems.
If make was invoked without -j, either via cmdline or MAKEFLAGS, then
JOBS will be simply empty, resulting in the existing behavior, as
Signed-off-by: Florian Schmaus <flo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
scripts/Makefile.btf | 6 ++++--
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.btf b/scripts/Makefile.btf
index b75f09f3f424..c3cbeb13de50 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.btf
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.btf
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
pahole-ver := $(CONFIG_PAHOLE_VERSION)
pahole-flags-y :=
+JOBS := $(patsubst -j%,%,$(filter -j%,$(MAKEFLAGS)))
ifeq ($(call test-le, $(pahole-ver), 125),y)
# pahole 1.18 through 1.21 can't handle zero-sized per-CPU vars
@@ -12,14 +14,14 @@ endif
pahole-flags-$(call test-ge, $(pahole-ver), 121) += --btf_gen_floats
-pahole-flags-$(call test-ge, $(pahole-ver), 122) += -j
+pahole-flags-$(call test-ge, $(pahole-ver), 122) += -j$(JOBS)
pahole-flags-$(call test-ge, $(pahole-ver), 125) += --skip_encoding_btf_inconsistent_proto --btf_gen_optimized
# Switch to using --btf_features for v1.26 and later.
-pahole-flags-$(call test-ge, $(pahole-ver), 126) = -j --btf_features=encode_force,var,float,enum64,decl_tag,type_tag,optimized_func,consistent_func,decl_tag_kfuncs
+pahole-flags-$(call test-ge, $(pahole-ver), 126) = -j$(JOBS) --btf_features=encode_force,var,float,enum64,decl_tag,type_tag,optimized_func,consistent_func,decl_tag_kfuncs
ifneq ($(KBUILD_EXTMOD),)
module-pahole-flags-$(call test-ge, $(pahole-ver), 126) += --btf_features=distilled_base