Re: [PATCH v3 2/4] proc_pid_fdinfo.5: Make pid clearer in the name and 1st paragraph

From: G. Branden Robinson
Date: Sat Nov 02 2024 - 06:17:34 EST

Hi Ian,

At 2024-11-01T12:11:54-0700, Ian Rogers wrote:
> diff --git a/man/man5/proc_pid_fdinfo.5 b/man/man5/proc_pid_fdinfo.5
> index 87e6dbe56..935b54b4c 100644
> --- a/man/man5/proc_pid_fdinfo.5
> +++ b/man/man5/proc_pid_fdinfo.5
> -this is a subdirectory containing one entry for each file which the
> -process has open, named by its file descriptor.
> +this subdirectory contains one entry for each file that process
> +.IR pid
> +has open, named by its file descriptor.

`IR` is better used with two or more arguments.

As of groff 1.23 (July 2023), the man(7) package will warn you about
problem like this if you ask it to.

$ nroff -man -rCHECKSTYLE=1 /tmp/proc_pid_fdinfo_mini.5
an.tmac:/tmp/proc_pid_fdinfo_mini.5:7: style: .IR expects at least 2 arguments, got 1
proc_pid_fdinfo_mini(5) File Formats Manual proc_pid_fdinfo_mini(5)

/proc/pid/fdinfo - information about file descriptors

Text text text text. One pid to rule them all and in the darkness bind

example 2024‐11‐02 proc_pid_fdinfo_mini(5)

I think Alex has a make(1) target that assists with running groff this

Font style macros
... It is often necessary to set
text in different styles without intervening space. The macros
.BI, .BR, .IB, .IR, .RB, and .RI, where “B”, “I”, and “R”
indicate bold, italic, and roman, respectively, set their odd‐
and even‐numbered arguments in alternating styles, with no space
separating them.

One reason to pay close attention to this point is that

.IR foo bar

formats as "foobar" (with "foo" in italics), whereas

.I foo bar

formats as "foo bar", with both words in italics.

The different handling of the space is a common manifestation of error.


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