Re: [PATCH] media: videobuf2-core: copy vb planes unconditionally

From: William McVicker
Date: Wed Nov 06 2024 - 12:04:36 EST

Hi Tudor,

On 11/06/2024, Tudor Ambarus wrote:
> Copy the relevant data from userspace to the vb->planes unconditionally
> as it's possible some of the fields may have changed after the buffer
> has been validated.
> Keep the dma_buf_put(planes[plane].dbuf) calls in the first
> `if (!reacquired)` case, in order to be close to the plane validation code
> where the buffers were got in the first place.
> Cc: stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Fixes: 95af7c00f35b ("media: videobuf2-core: release all planes first in __prepare_dmabuf()")
> Signed-off-by: Tudor Ambarus <tudor.ambarus@xxxxxxxxxx>

Thanks for sending this fix! I have tested that this fixes the video playback
issues I was seeing on my Pixel 6 device. Feel free to include my

Tested-by: Will McVicker <willmcvicker@xxxxxxxxxx>
