Re: [PATCH v4 5/5] tools/memory-model: Distinguish between syntactic and semantic tags
From: Jonas Oberhauser
Date: Fri Nov 08 2024 - 04:11:53 EST
Am 11/7/2024 um 11:51 AM schrieb Akira Yokosawa:
Jonas, despite the CC, your message has not made my gmail mbox, not even
the spam folder.
I'm replying using lore's reply link. >
As Paul mentioned elsewhere, the [v5] patch misses tags from Boqun at the moment.
So if I supply a new revision of a patch, should I include in all the
reviewed-by of the previous patch?
I hadn't done that before (because I thought I should not add other
people's tags especially if they hadn't reviewed that specific
revision), so we may be missing *a lot* of reviewed-by...
If this is the case, I'll try to scour through the previous e-mails and
add all the missing reviewed-by.
Best wishes,