Re: [PATCH v4 5/5] tools/memory-model: Distinguish between syntactic and semantic tags

From: Akira Yokosawa
Date: Fri Nov 08 2024 - 05:12:50 EST

On Fri, 8 Nov 2024 10:10:48 +0100, Jonas Oberhauser wrote:
> Am 11/7/2024 um 11:51 AM schrieb Akira Yokosawa:
>> Jonas, despite the CC, your message has not made my gmail mbox, not even
>> the spam folder.
>> I'm replying using lore's reply link. >
>> As Paul mentioned elsewhere, the [v5] patch misses tags from Boqun at the moment.
> So if I supply a new revision of a patch, should I include in all the reviewed-by
> of the previous patch?

It depends.

> I hadn't done that before (because I thought I should not add other people's tags
> especially if they hadn't reviewed that specific revision), so we may be missing
> *a lot* of reviewed-by...

Section "Using Reported-by:, Tested-by:, Reviewed-by:, Suggested-by: and Fixes:"
of Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst has this paragraph:

Both Tested-by and Reviewed-by tags, once received on mailing list from tester
or reviewer, should be added by author to the applicable patches when sending
next versions. However if the patch has changed substantially in following
version, these tags might not be applicable anymore and thus should be removed.
Usually removal of someone's Tested-by or Reviewed-by tags should be mentioned
in the patch changelog (after the '---' separator).

Does this help you?

> If this is the case, I'll try to scour through the previous e-mails and add
> all the missing reviewed-by.

Only if Paul asks you to do so ;-)

HTH, Akira