Re: [PATCH 15/15] clk: at91: sama7d65: add sama7d65 pmc driver

From: Christophe JAILLET
Date: Tue Nov 19 2024 - 14:13:48 EST

Le 19/11/2024 à 17:40, Ryan.Wanner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
From: Ryan Wanner <Ryan.Wanner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Add clock support for SAMA7D65 SoC.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Wanner <Ryan.Wanner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


+enum pll_ids {

Maybe the last comma could be removed to show that nothing is expected after it?

+ * PLL component identifier
+ * @PLL_COMPID_FRAC: Fractional PLL component identifier
+ * @PLL_COMPID_DIV0: 1st PLL divider component identifier
+ * @PLL_COMPID_DIV1: 2nd PLL divider component identifier
+ */
+enum pll_component_id {

Maybe the last comma could be removed to show that nothing is expected after it?


+static void __init sama7d65_pmc_setup(struct device_node *np)
+ const char *main_xtal_name = "main_xtal";
+ struct pmc_data *sama7d65_pmc;
+ const char *parent_names[11];
+ void **alloc_mem = NULL;
+ int alloc_mem_size = 0;
+ struct regmap *regmap;
+ struct clk_hw *hw, *main_rc_hw, *main_osc_hw, *main_xtal_hw;
+ struct clk_hw *td_slck_hw, *md_slck_hw;
+ static struct clk_parent_data parent_data;
+ struct clk_hw *parent_hws[10];
+ bool bypass;
+ int i, j;
+ td_slck_hw = __clk_get_hw(of_clk_get_by_name(np, "td_slck"));
+ md_slck_hw = __clk_get_hw(of_clk_get_by_name(np, "md_slck"));
+ main_xtal_hw = __clk_get_hw(of_clk_get_by_name(np, main_xtal_name));
+ if (!td_slck_hw || !md_slck_hw || !main_xtal_hw)
+ return;
+ regmap = device_node_to_regmap(np);
+ if (IS_ERR(regmap))
+ return;
+ sama7d65_pmc = pmc_data_allocate(PMC_INDEX_MAX,
+ nck(sama7d65_systemck),
+ nck(sama7d65_periphck),
+ nck(sama7d65_gck), 8);
+ if (!sama7d65_pmc)
+ return;
+ alloc_mem = kmalloc(sizeof(void *) *
+ (ARRAY_SIZE(sama7d65_mckx) + ARRAY_SIZE(sama7d65_gck)),
+ if (!alloc_mem)
+ goto err_free;
+ main_rc_hw = at91_clk_register_main_rc_osc(regmap, "main_rc_osc", 12000000,
+ 50000000);
+ if (IS_ERR(main_rc_hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ bypass = of_property_read_bool(np, "atmel,osc-bypass");
+ = main_xtal_name;
+ parent_data.fw_name = main_xtal_name;
+ main_osc_hw = at91_clk_register_main_osc(regmap, "main_osc", NULL,
+ &parent_data, bypass);
+ if (IS_ERR(main_osc_hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ parent_hws[0] = main_rc_hw;
+ parent_hws[1] = main_osc_hw;
+ hw = at91_clk_register_sam9x5_main(regmap, "mainck", NULL, parent_hws, 2);
+ if (IS_ERR(hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ sama7d65_pmc->chws[PMC_MAIN] = hw;
+ for (i = 0; i < PLL_ID_MAX; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < PLL_COMPID_MAX; j++) {
+ struct clk_hw *parent_hw;
+ if (!sama7d65_plls[i][j].n)
+ continue;
+ switch (sama7d65_plls[i][j].t) {
+ switch (sama7d65_plls[i][j].p) {
+ parent_hw = sama7d65_pmc->chws[PMC_MAIN];
+ break;
+ parent_hw = main_xtal_hw;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Should not happen. */
+ parent_hw = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ hw = sam9x60_clk_register_frac_pll(regmap,
+ &pmc_pll_lock, sama7d65_plls[i][j].n,
+ NULL, parent_hw, i,
+ sama7d65_plls[i][j].c,
+ sama7d65_plls[i][j].l,
+ sama7d65_plls[i][j].f);
+ break;
+ case PLL_TYPE_DIV:
+ hw = sam9x60_clk_register_div_pll(regmap,
+ &pmc_pll_lock, sama7d65_plls[i][j].n,
+ NULL, sama7d65_plls[i][0].hw, i,
+ sama7d65_plls[i][j].c,
+ sama7d65_plls[i][j].l,
+ sama7d65_plls[i][j].f,
+ sama7d65_plls[i][j].safe_div);
+ break;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (IS_ERR(hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ sama7d65_plls[i][j].hw = hw;
+ if (sama7d65_plls[i][j].eid)
+ sama7d65_pmc->chws[sama7d65_plls[i][j].eid] = hw;
+ }
+ }
+ hw = at91_clk_register_master_div(regmap, "mck0", NULL,
+ sama7d65_plls[PLL_ID_CPU][1].hw,
+ &mck0_layout, &mck0_characteristics,
+ &pmc_mck0_lock, CLK_GET_RATE_NOCACHE, 5);
+ if (IS_ERR(hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ sama7d65_pmc->chws[PMC_MCK] = hw;
+ sama7d65_mckx[PCK_PARENT_HW_MCK0].hw = hw;
+ parent_hws[0] = md_slck_hw;
+ parent_hws[1] = td_slck_hw;
+ parent_hws[2] = sama7d65_pmc->chws[PMC_MAIN];
+ for (i = PCK_PARENT_HW_MCK1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sama7d65_mckx); i++) {
+ u8 num_parents = 3 + sama7d65_mckx[i].ep_count;
+ struct clk_hw *tmp_parent_hws[8];
+ u32 *mux_table;
+ mux_table = kmalloc_array(num_parents, sizeof(*mux_table),
+ if (!mux_table)
+ goto err_free;
+ PMC_INIT_TABLE(mux_table, 3);
+ PMC_FILL_TABLE(&mux_table[3], sama7d65_mckx[i].ep_mux_table,
+ sama7d65_mckx[i].ep_count);
+ for (j = 0; j < sama7d65_mckx[i].ep_count; j++) {
+ u8 pll_id = sama7d65_mckx[i].ep[j].pll_id;
+ u8 pll_compid = sama7d65_mckx[i].ep[j].pll_compid;
+ tmp_parent_hws[j] = sama7d65_plls[pll_id][pll_compid].hw;
+ }
+ PMC_FILL_TABLE(&parent_hws[3], tmp_parent_hws,
+ sama7d65_mckx[i].ep_count);
+ hw = at91_clk_sama7g5_register_master(regmap, sama7d65_mckx[i].n,
+ num_parents, NULL, parent_hws,
+ mux_table, &pmc_mckX_lock,
+ sama7d65_mckx[i].id,
+ sama7d65_mckx[i].c,
+ sama7d65_mckx[i].ep_chg_id);
+ if (IS_ERR(hw))

Missing kfree(mux_table);
(or move "alloc_mem[alloc_mem_size++] = mux_table;" before this test to have in done by the error handling path)

+ goto err_free;
+ alloc_mem[alloc_mem_size++] = mux_table;
+ sama7d65_mckx[i].hw = hw;
+ if (sama7d65_mckx[i].eid)
+ sama7d65_pmc->chws[sama7d65_mckx[i].eid] = hw;
+ }
+ parent_names[0] = "syspll_divpmcck";
+ parent_names[1] = "usbpll_divpmcck";
+ parent_names[2] = "main_osc";
+ hw = sam9x60_clk_register_usb(regmap, "usbck", parent_names, 3);
+ if (IS_ERR(hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ parent_hws[0] = md_slck_hw;
+ parent_hws[1] = td_slck_hw;
+ parent_hws[2] = sama7d65_pmc->chws[PMC_MAIN];
+ parent_hws[3] = sama7d65_plls[PLL_ID_SYS][PLL_COMPID_DIV0].hw;
+ parent_hws[4] = sama7d65_plls[PLL_ID_DDR][PLL_COMPID_DIV0].hw;
+ parent_hws[5] = sama7d65_plls[PLL_ID_GPU][PLL_COMPID_DIV0].hw;
+ parent_hws[6] = sama7d65_plls[PLL_ID_BAUD][PLL_COMPID_DIV0].hw;
+ parent_hws[7] = sama7d65_plls[PLL_ID_AUDIO][PLL_COMPID_DIV0].hw;
+ parent_hws[8] = sama7d65_plls[PLL_ID_ETH][PLL_COMPID_DIV0].hw;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ char name[6];
+ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "prog%d", i);
+ hw = at91_clk_register_programmable(regmap, name, NULL, parent_hws,
+ 9, i,
+ &programmable_layout,
+ sama7d65_prog_mux_table);
+ if (IS_ERR(hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ sama7d65_pmc->pchws[i] = hw;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sama7d65_systemck); i++) {
+ hw = at91_clk_register_system(regmap, sama7d65_systemck[i].n,
+ sama7d65_systemck[i].p, NULL,
+ sama7d65_systemck[i].id, 0);
+ if (IS_ERR(hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ sama7d65_pmc->shws[sama7d65_systemck[i].id] = hw;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sama7d65_periphck); i++) {
+ hw = at91_clk_register_sam9x5_peripheral(regmap, &pmc_pcr_lock,
+ &sama7d65_pcr_layout,
+ sama7d65_periphck[i].n,
+ sama7d65_mckx[sama7d65_periphck[i].p].hw,
+ sama7d65_periphck[i].id,
+ &sama7d65_periphck[i].r,
+ sama7d65_periphck[i].chgp ? 0 :
+ INT_MIN, 0);
+ if (IS_ERR(hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ sama7d65_pmc->phws[sama7d65_periphck[i].id] = hw;
+ }
+ parent_hws[0] = md_slck_hw;
+ parent_hws[1] = td_slck_hw;
+ parent_hws[2] = sama7d65_pmc->chws[PMC_MAIN];
+ parent_hws[3] = sama7d65_pmc->chws[PMC_MCK1];
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sama7d65_gck); i++) {
+ u8 num_parents = 4 + sama7d65_gck[i].pp_count;
+ struct clk_hw *tmp_parent_hws[8];
+ u32 *mux_table;
+ mux_table = kmalloc_array(num_parents, sizeof(*mux_table),
+ if (!mux_table)
+ goto err_free;
+ PMC_INIT_TABLE(mux_table, 4);
+ PMC_FILL_TABLE(&mux_table[4], sama7d65_gck[i].pp_mux_table,
+ sama7d65_gck[i].pp_count);
+ for (j = 0; j < sama7d65_gck[i].pp_count; j++) {
+ u8 pll_id = sama7d65_gck[i].pp[j].pll_id;
+ u8 pll_compid = sama7d65_gck[i].pp[j].pll_compid;
+ tmp_parent_hws[j] = sama7d65_plls[pll_id][pll_compid].hw;
+ }
+ PMC_FILL_TABLE(&parent_hws[4], tmp_parent_hws,
+ sama7d65_gck[i].pp_count);
+ hw = at91_clk_register_generated(regmap, &pmc_pcr_lock,
+ &sama7d65_pcr_layout,
+ sama7d65_gck[i].n, NULL,
+ parent_hws, mux_table,
+ num_parents,
+ sama7d65_gck[i].id,
+ &sama7d65_gck[i].r,
+ sama7d65_gck[i].pp_chg_id);
+ if (IS_ERR(hw))
+ goto err_free;
+ sama7d65_pmc->ghws[sama7d65_gck[i].id] = hw;
+ alloc_mem[alloc_mem_size++] = mux_table;
+ }
+ of_clk_add_hw_provider(np, of_clk_hw_pmc_get, sama7d65_pmc);
+ kfree(alloc_mem);
+ return;
+ if (alloc_mem) {
+ for (i = 0; i < alloc_mem_size; i++)
+ kfree(alloc_mem[i]);
+ kfree(alloc_mem);
+ }
+ kfree(sama7d65_pmc);
+/* Some clks are used for a clocksource */
+CLK_OF_DECLARE(sama7d65_pmc, "microchip,sama7d65-pmc", sama7d65_pmc_setup);