Re: [PATCH v2 0/6] Revise Meta(Facebook) Harma BMC(AST2600)

From: PeterYin
Date: Wed Nov 20 2024 - 23:36:14 EST

Hi Andrew,
I believe this series' path will conflict with upstream due to version differences between OpenBMC and upstream. I will update to the latest version of the DTS from upstream and submit a new version accordingly.


Peter Yin 於 11/21/24 10:53 寫道:
Revise linux device tree entry related to Meta(Facebook) Harma
specific devices connected to BMC(AST2600) SoC.

Base on:

Base on:

- Provide additional details for SGPIO.
- Add adc128d818 device

- Patch 0001 - Harma: Revise node name
- Patch 0002 - Harma: Add retimer device
- Patch 0003 - Harma: Revise GPIO line name
- Patch 0004 - Harma: add e1s power monitor
- Patch 0005 - Harma: fan board io-expande
- Patch 0006 - Harma: add adc128d818

Peter Yin (6):
ARM: dts: aspeed: Harma: Revise node name
ARM: dts: aspeed: Harma: Add retimer device
ARM: dts: aspeed: Harma: Revise GPIO line name
ARM: dts: aspeed: Harma: add e1s power monitor
ARM: dts: aspeed: Harma: fan board io-expander
ARM: dts: aspeed: Harma: add adc128d818

.../dts/aspeed/aspeed-bmc-facebook-harma.dts | 134 ++++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 110 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)