[PATCH 0/2] ARM: dts: aspeed: catalina: revise catalina dts file

From: Potin Lai
Date: Wed Nov 20 2024 - 23:36:37 EST

Add following patches to fix issues.
- revise ltc4287 shunt-resistor value
- remove interrupt of GPIOB4 form all IOEXP

Signed-off-by: Potin Lai <potin.lai.pt@xxxxxxxxx>
Potin Lai (2):
ARM: dts: aspeed: catalina: revise ltc4287 shunt-resistor value
ARM: dts: aspeed: catalina: remove interrupt of GPIOB4 form all IOEXP

arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed/aspeed-bmc-facebook-catalina.dts | 10 ++--------
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
base-commit: 59b723cd2adbac2a34fc8e12c74ae26ae45bf230
change-id: 20241120-catalina-dts-20241120-e341b907184e

Best regards,
Potin Lai <potin.lai.pt@xxxxxxxxx>