+//! Trait and macro to build bitfield wrappers.
+//! A trait and [`kernel::bitfield_options`] macro to build bitfield wrappers with
+//! [`std::fs::OpenOptions`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/struct.OpenOptions.html)-like methods to
+//! set bits and _try to ensure an always-valid state_.
+/// A trait associating a bitfield type to a wrapper type to allow for shared trait implementations
+/// and bitfield retrieval.
+pub trait BitField {
+ /// The bitfield type, usually `u8` or `u32`
+ type Bits;
+ /// returns the bits stored by the wrapper.
+ fn bits(&self) -> Self::Bits;
+/// concatenate sequences using a comma separator. Uses a a `, and` (oxford comma) separation
+/// instead between the last two items.
+macro_rules! concat_with_oxford_comma {
+ ($last:expr) => (concat!("and ", $last));
+ ($left:expr, $($right:expr),+ ) => (
+ concat!($left, ", ", $crate::concat_with_oxford_comma!($($right),+))
+ )
+/// Builds a bitfield wrapper with
+/// [`std::fs::OpenOptions`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/struct.OpenOptions.html)-like methods to
+/// set bits.
+/// This wrapper _tries to ensure an always-valid state_, even when created from a bitfield
+/// directly.
+/// The wrapper implements the [`BitField`] trait.
+/// # argument types
+/// - `name`: the name of the wrapper to build.
+/// - `type`: the bit field type, usually `u32` or `u8`. Must be an int primitive.
+/// - `options`: array of `{ name:ident, true:expr, false:expr }` options where name is the name
+/// of a method that will set the `true:expr` bit(s) when called with `true` or else the
+/// `false:expr` bit(s). In a standard bitfield, `false:expr` is set to `false:0`, but sometimes
+/// different bit flags designate incompatible alternatives : in these cases, set `false` to
+/// activate the alternative bit(s).
+/// # Examples
+/// Call the macro to create the bitflag wrapper.
+/// Here we create a wrapper that allows to set `RED`, `BLUE`, `GREEN` bits independently,
+/// and additionally either the `BIG` bit or the `SMALL` bit.
+/// `BIG` and `SMALL` are incompatible alternatives.
+/// ```rust
+/// use kernel::bitfield_options;
+/// const BIG: u32 = 16;
+/// const SMALL: u32 = 1;
+/// const RED: u32 = 2;
+/// const GREEN: u32 = 4;
+/// const BLUE: u32 = 8;
+/// bitfield_options! {
+/// name: SizeAndColors,
+/// type: u32,
+/// options: [
+/// {name:big, true:BIG, false:SMALL},
+/// {name:red, true:RED, false:0u32},
+/// {name:blue, true:BLUE, false:0u32},
+/// {name:green, true:GREEN, false:0u32}
+/// ]
+/// };
+/// ```
+/// The `SizeAndColor` type is now available in this scope.
+/// It implements the [`Default`] trait where all options are set to `false`:
+/// ```rust
+/// # use kernel::bitfield_options;
+/// # use kernel::bitfield::BitField; // to have access to the bits() method
+/// #
+/// # const BIG: u32 = 16;
+/// # const SMALL: u32 = 1;
+/// #
+/// # const RED: u32 = 2;
+/// # const GREEN: u32 = 4;
+/// # const BLUE: u32 = 8;
+/// #
+/// # bitfield_options! {
+/// # name: SizeAndColors,
+/// # type: u32,
+/// # options: [
+/// # {name:big, true:BIG, false:SMALL},
+/// # {name:red, true:RED, false:0u32},
+/// # {name:blue, true:BLUE, false:0u32},
+/// # {name:green, true:GREEN, false:0u32}
+/// # ]
+/// # };
+/// let sac = SizeAndColors::default();
+/// // the default state, with all the options set to false should be the field with only the
+/// // `SMALL` bit(s) set
+/// assert_eq!(
+/// sac.bits(),
+/// SMALL | 0u32 | 0u32 | 0u32)
+/// ```
+/// It implements the [`TryFrom`] trait which succeeds only if the passed bitfield is a valid state:
+/// ```rust
+/// # use kernel::bitfield_options;
+/// #
+/// # const BIG: u32 = 16;
+/// # const SMALL: u32 = 1;
+/// #
+/// # const RED: u32 = 2;
+/// # const GREEN: u32 = 4;
+/// # const BLUE: u32 = 8;
+/// #
+/// # bitfield_options! {
+/// # name: SizeAndColors,
+/// # type: u32,
+/// # options: [
+/// # {name:big, true:BIG, false:SMALL},
+/// # {name:red, true:RED, false:0u32},
+/// # {name:blue, true:BLUE, false:0u32},
+/// # {name:green, true:GREEN, false:0u32}
+/// # ]
+/// # };
+/// # let sac = SizeAndColors::default();
+/// let small_and_no_colors = SizeAndColors::try_from(SMALL)
+/// .expect("having only the SMALL bit to 1 should be a valid state");
+/// // Having only the `SMALL` bit set to 1 is the default state.
+/// assert_eq!(sac, small_and_no_colors);
+/// let big_and_rgb = SizeAndColors::try_from(BIG | RED | GREEN | BLUE)
+/// .expect("having the BIG, RED, GREEN and BLUE bits set to 1 should be a valid state");
+/// assert_eq!(
+/// SizeAndColors::default()
+/// .big(true)
+/// .red(true)
+/// .blue(true)
+/// .green(true),
+/// big_and_rgb
+/// );
+/// let big_and_small = SizeAndColors::try_from(BIG | SMALL)
+/// .expect_err("BIG and SMALL are incompatible, this should fail");
+/// let intense:u32 = 1024;
+/// let big_and_intense = SizeAndColors::try_from(BIG | intense)
+/// .expect_err("BIG|intense is not a valid state, this should fail");
+/// ```